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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. It's always been known. I got a concussion in I wanna say 1994 and I wasn't allowed to play in another soccer game for two weeks. MMA started in the 90s and it was one KO and you're done. High profile sports (football, hockey, boxing, etc.) have always just done everything they can to ignore it.
  2. It comes from the players' and coaches' and GM's own mouths. They've always dreamed of winning a Super Bowl. Some are more driven than others, for sure.
  3. When talking about Lamar, I recommend staying far away from analogies to any subspecies of primate...
  4. You're talking to the guy who mentioned Shula in this very thread!
  5. Edmunds is gonna be expensive, but I think the Bills are willing to pay. Hopefully they can keep the Edmunds/Milano tandem together for a while. Draft younger safeties.
  6. Well, they did an actual economic study on it. Where's your report?
  7. Bills fans have been some of the whiniest scarediest bunch of people this year, so yeah....some ARE actually scared of Tua.
  8. Can't forget they have Mike Shula too, the elder statesman.
  9. This is supposed to be some sort of dunk on Buffalo because the OP wants a roof. Can't let it go.
  10. It's about fairness to the candidates. The NFL has no right to restrict them. Although, the Bills could deny them.
  11. He was with the Panthers already for 4 years (?)... They're very familiar with his resume, knowledge, and aspirations.
  12. If Dorsey leaves, Brady probably steps in and another will come up in the pipeline behind him. I'd be surprised if they brought in an outsider.
  13. He's basically still a rookie
  14. Just the next dude in a long list of dudes being dudes in the Shanahan offense.
  15. Yeah, I think they got it out of their system. They've been here before. They know what's up.
  16. I'm pretty sure it doesn't. Even if you go by metro area, Indianapolis is still twice as large. And it's population is growing, not shrinking like Buffalo's. Putting a dome in downtown Buffalo doesn't magically make it a destination. That's putting the cart before the horse.
  17. Yeah, I've seen him around the whole week. First time responding. I'm not the one keeping him here. I just like to respond to trolls once with a piece of my mind before blocking them.
  18. I should care. I frequent this site and enjoy my time here. It's annoying to have a Cincy fan come here to a Bills fan site and tell Bills fans that Cincy was going to win for sure and "every person in the world watching that game" knew it. You sound like a moron who needs to get a life. Don't come on to a Bills fan site and complain to Bills fans. Go wallow in your sadness with your fellow Cincy fans. I'll wear my Mr Message Board Police badge proudly and tell you to ***** off.
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