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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. It was a very "Free Palestine" agenda Here's a whole gallery from the Milwaukee Journal https://www.jsonline.com/picture-gallery/news/politics/2024/07/15/2024-republican-national-convention-protest-photos-milwaukee-wisconsin-july-15/74354223007/
  2. Seems like a yes man politician so far, but I'm interested to see where it goes. He definitely has a more interesting profile than the former VP Pence.
  3. I get that, but having real leaders as the face of our country and leader of the free world isn't overrated. It doesn't have to be either-or. Ideally, we could stop voting for imbeciles.
  4. Lol, keep acting like these are tongue in cheek..... It's a fine example of the overreaction we see to everything. I thought you might want to realize the tweet you post is lying to you because clearly you aren't aware.
  5. Elegies are very emo... 🤷‍♂️
  6. Does the title mean he's lamenting the plight of the hillbilly? I'm curious and may give it a watch.
  7. Obviously, it's because it's political. Compared to a general tragedy, a workplace is going to avoid encouraging political discussions in the office, and rightly so.
  8. Feel free to read the conversation. I'm not circling around.
  9. He changed his mind after Trump became President, so it's all good.
  10. I consider myself a moderate Republican and I don't think it helps at all. Youngkin would've been the right choice to bring moderates over. Isn't that how he won Virginia?
  11. I'll go to civil war with Miami fans at the drop of a feather.
  12. See above. If Trump gets elected, it's definitely going to be interesting to see where things go. I believe in being prepared for anything.
  13. I think we'd be going down a road of violent protests for sure, but not an actual war. There would need to be a comparable size of forces on both sides for anyone to seriously attempt anything. We don't have that nor do we have such a vulnerable governmental system. And with the way all these politicians flip flop so easily, you'd have a ton of outraged civilians willing to go the distance, but no political representatives to support them.
  14. I think a lot of people have a rational concern for the violence building up in this country. And I honestly don't think we would actually get to a civil war. Anything is possible though, for sure, and you always have to be considering the potential dangers of such a volatile political climate, such as it is right now.
  15. It's absolutely a problem from both sides that a lot of people are finding acceptable these days.
  16. That's Civil War. We joke about it now, but...
  17. This is by far the easiest "struggle" I've been in, if that's the case. Meanwhile, you struggle to copy and paste.
  18. Similar to another poster I was talking to earlier, you're justifying it by saying Democrats did the same thing. Why are we okay this? Honestly.
  19. The answer of continuing to point out their policy differences while being forceful about denouncing violence seems to have a cumulative value of lowering the temperature, at most just remaining the same. What specifically did you hear that was "raising the temperature"?
  20. He changed that much from age 33 to 37....lol What's he gonna be like by age 43... 😬
  21. She says "we're just going to continue to denounce violence and the President is going to be very forceful about that."
  22. Why accept that as a standard? "Hey, Kamala's the same way so it's fine." There are a number of candidates that DID NOT call Trump "America's Hitler." How about we get some politicians to represent us who aren't over-emotional exaggerators and flip-flopping ass-kissers..... Just a thought. The heads of our country aren't people we and future generations can actually look up to as leaders.
  23. We got the wrong Ohioan in my humble opinion
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