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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. I've heard nothing but good things about their stadiums I'm not going to assume the Bills stadium will be any different
  2. Then I'm sure you could come up with something better than platforms of people hanging out a 100 feet above the lower bowl. For someone who was concerned about the safety hazards of various types of water on the roof, you're surprisingly cavalier about putting a bunch of drunk people up there.... Rest assured, I bet you're going to see tons of happy fans in the sold out stadium for years to come.
  3. Which one of those was designed by Populous? What issues has Populous had?
  4. You should do this for a living It'd be super unique though
  5. Do they though?!?!? I have a lot of experience looking at this stuff on the internet , so.... You want to use human bodies as an overhang?
  6. Questions I'm sure none of the architects have even considered yet.
  7. Out of those, the Merc Benz stadium is the only one that stands out to me. The Bills rendering is just as interesting as the others and doesn't cost nearly as much.
  8. Not sure what you mean. Every team let's go of assistant coaches every year. This isn't unique to the Bills.
  9. Totally agree. HOV lane outside of commuting hours is simply another passing lane. Within commuting hours on a busy highway, you're kind of stuck going the speed limit of the person in front of you, they're not obligated to move over.
  10. ^^ that reminds me, I hate when people on the highway drive slowly in the merging lanes with no intention to merge. If you're not merging, get out of the right hand lane. They're the antithesis of people who speed in the hov lane
  11. Depends on the situation. Like someone mentioned above, a construction zone is totally different then a commonly back-up area or a merging lane with clear signs ahead of time. Construction zone, I'll always let people in. In normal situations, it depends on my mood. The way people drive is the best indicator of their true nature, so I love when I get to see people I know behind the wheel.
  12. Fun game between Battlehawks and Sea Dragons. How great it would be to watch the Bills like this, to be able to listen to the play calls and half time discussions.
  13. I would hope not. That's a sure sign of a poorly run franchise. Have the Bills under Pegulas/Beane/McDermott shown any signs of being affected by the pressures of a fickle media?
  14. who? There comes a time when a coach's tenure with a team runs its course, but it's usually after they miss the playoffs and/or lose the locker room somehow.
  15. 80 yard run. I've always enjoyed watching RBs the most since the days of Thurman and Barry Sanders, when I first started watching football.
  16. The pressure's been on to make the SB the last two years. Nothing's changed. I don't think "media pressure" should be a thing. Not something that affects a franchise, anyway. I'm more interested in what the owners think and what kind of pressure they're putting on the FO, which we may never know.
  17. We don't win because the stadium was built on an indian burial ground. This is common knowledge.
  18. Hindsight is 20/20, even for eyeless artificial entities!!
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