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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. Kyle Williams beat Marshawn Lynch in a swim race. Marshawn Lynch loved Applebee's.
  2. People tend to focus on what the fans want, but this is about the players. The college system is exploitative and the players would rather have a farm system like the MLB and NBA have. If one of these leagues can set that up with the NFL, it could establish a foothold in the market and poach/produce some really good talent, especially if the NFL infuses some money into it. Definitely And the NFL surely wants a piece of the NCAA's pie if there is a viable way to do it.
  3. Are they gonna do a series about the defensive gurus in the league?
  4. He already wins from the pocket. I think he's just subtly saying to his OLine "give me a damn pocket."
  5. Yeah, let's just leave that one incident aside....lol. The rest I'm sure is spotless...
  6. Josh Allen is Brett Favre. Throwing, running, boy, competitiveness, ego, teammate, womaniser, friend. Don't be surprised if he makes questionable decisions in the future around retirement time. He's just a man!
  7. You think you're better than me?
  8. I don't like your tone ***** you
  9. I like the idea of the secondary logo on the sleeve and that's about it. Blue helmet with red charging bison logo is a hard pass. Not a popular opinion, but the Bills could use a total redesign of the logo. Both iterations of the bison were very poorly designed.
  10. The only way the Pegulas get tired of the McBeane show is if 1. they start having a losing record and fall out of playoff contention or 2. the organisation or someone within it commits some kind of scandal or becomes toxic in a way that forever tarnishes the brand IMO, not winning a Super Bowl is not a factor in maintaining economic vitality.
  11. Agree, but I see it more as a business decision. In the 1st new stadium behind-the-scenes video they just posted, they said "the best thing the Buffalo Bills can do to enhance economic vitality in our community is win football games." As fans, we don't want to hear it, but that does NOT mean winning a Super Bowl. It simply means being a winning team, a playoff team, a consistent contender, just a damn likeable team. Terry knows that the McBeane team is a winning team and he will draw that out for as long as possible to ensure economic vitality.
  12. This is the best part about it. They're an elite team. I'm just enjoying the ride.
  13. I agree it's more about the players. People on this board love to point out that Brady won another Super Bowl after leaving Belichick. Development, coaching, motivation, and Xs/Os only get you so far. There's no mystery there. The players ultimately decide what happens on the field. To that point, I've wondered if the defensive coaching/system has been too rigid. In the case of 13 seconds or their last game against the Bengals, everyone could see what was happening on the field. Are the players not able to freelance a bit? Are they too stuck in McD's ways that they can't adjust themselves? McD always says he wants the players to play fast and loose. I think he coaches the system well enough and keeps it simple enough for that to happen. But is he allowing enough autonomy on the defense?
  14. Honest mistake. We all make them. I said I would let you change your answer, so go ahead.
  15. What's the probability of McDermott reaching the Super Bowl? You said 10.42% I liked that answer, but I guess I'll let you change it. I calculate the probability of your next answer being lower than 10.42% is 100%.
  16. Is this your final answer? McDermott has a 10.42% chance of making the Super Bowl? Pretty ***** stellar, considering there are 32 teams in the league. And McDermott doesn't only have 1 year, he has about a 5 year window. ***** awesome!
  17. That was a lot of copy pasta from the internets and editing for relevance. I give you an A for effort. Now what's the probability of McDermott reaching the Super Bowl? Well, it took Einstein 25 years to be considered a genius and then 16 more years to win a Nobel prize. Our own Einstein has plenty of time.
  18. For the record, Einstein replied with this but it appears he has since deleted it...
  19. Did we just "let em have it" when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!?! Hell no!!
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