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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. You're definitely perceiving things. I will give you credit for having eyes.
  2. Seems obvious, right? I think a simple realignment of duties would help. I imagine when deciding to take on DC/play calling responsibilities, he also adjusted and delegated other duties appropriately to staff. I don't think McD said "I'm going to do every single thing I normally do PLUS do all this other DC stuff." He certainly made a plan with his staff and it will definitely need an adjustment period.
  3. Again, you're just being judgy and not really providing an answer. You said he should put on flip flops. I mean, get real. You're calling Josh Allen lazy. Sounds like you need to get back in touch with reality.
  4. Seems consistent with the analysis others are putting out today and what I saw. I hope they eventually go with Milano/Williams or Milano/Bernard at LB. I'll take the athletic upside and playmaking ability along with the mental mistakes. They're young guys who gotta learn anyway. Dodson or Klein is not the answer. The OL had a rough night against a Steelers team constantly blitzing, but overall they still seem improved. The interior particularly seems better. If the tackles simply play to their usual standard, the line looks better.
  5. Why? It actually seems like the perfect idea BECAUSE they just lost their starting MLB. You don't want the architect/expert of this defense helping to pick up that slack? A pair of flip flops is the difference between professional and lackadaisical/unfocused.
  6. For McDermott detractors here, I don't see why you wouldn't want McD taking ultimate responsibility for this defense. In his 7th year (?) and with such a veteran-infused roster that knows the process, a lot of the head coaching responsibilities are more automatic then ever for McD and the staff. If there was any doubt, I don't think McD would've taken on the DC role. Ultimately though, I feel like detractors of McD should be happy he's putting it on his shoulders. Because if he didn't, you'd be complaining that he uses his DC as a scapegoat. Which way do you want it?
  7. I don't necessarily disagree with your overall point, but this comes off as way too judgy. If Josh just finished practice and already took off his cleats, but then gets called out by the PR tram to do a quick promo, what do you expect him to do? Throw on his dress socks and loafers? Put his cleats back on for a promo shot that's only going to capture his torso? What would be the professional approach in your opinion? For a guy that's achieved what he has, taking the particular path he did to get here, labelling him as undisciplined seems inaccurate, to say the least.
  8. The Bills have had those types of games in the past as well. Considering that, I don't think it has anything to do with McDermott's role change. Maybe it's on the players themselves.
  9. Yep, I forgot about that one. Feel free to expand. Of course it does. It always has.
  10. I'd compare this more to the Kevin Everett injury
  11. Is that a question? The nature of Hamlin's injury was the first time it's happened in a NFL game, if I recall correctly. This looks like a pretty typical head/neck injury, which happen every year. If it was a regular season game, I think they would've kept playing.
  12. Only losers ask for handouts. You better man up before the regular season
  13. The game score might be 14-0 Steelers But the flag score is 14-0 Bills
  14. Uh...it was TOTALLY his fault. He threw it right at the defender into double (or triple?) coverage
  15. The receiving corps has had a great game. The Bills go as Josh and the passing game for, so this is good news.
  16. But expected. Logical call by the coach, based on what we've all seen and heard
  17. Josh looks on point, should probably take him out before the OL gets him killed.
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