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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. Incels
  2. Wilkins can't handle Allen, which is why he's so sexually attracted to him.
  3. Let it be known. My rage ended this game.
  4. White-out helmet
  5. And the NFL has to rely on a low budget spring league to come up with this. The rules and regulations system in the NFL is completely broken and it's run by stone-aged losers. I'm sure they're just calling this uber strictly in preseason in order to educate the players... ....they won't call it at all until late in the regular season.... ....then the Bills will be playing the Chiefs in the playoffs. The Bills take the lead with 30 seconds left and kick off.... ....the coverage team tackles the returner and he fumbles. The Bills recover and seemingly win the game.... BUt WAiT!!!! Yellow flag!!!! You left early!!!! Chiefs ball on the 35 yard line and and they drive to win it with no time on the clock. I'm already fuming about this and will not sleep tonight.
  6. To expound upon this, it's an absolutely stupid flag to throw based on logic. The offensive players are basically reacting to the coverage players. If the coverage player leaves a smidgen early, the offensive player covering him is also going to leave a smidgen early. There is no advantage to the coverage team. Unless the coverage player is outrageously early, there is absolutely no reason to throw this flag. I'm just waiting for this ticky tack flag to disrupt a good play.
  7. First reaction to the "player left early" call on the kickoffs is that this is just another ticky tack call the NFL can use to influence games....but.....it is just a 5 yard penalty. For comparison, the UFL never called such a penalty on this play, that I saw, and I watched a lot of UFL. Like, why can't the NFL just leave well enough alone... It's a good play. Keep your ticky tack flags in your pocket.
  8. I don't think he understands that, which is why he's doing vlogs or whatever now. There will be plenty of opportunities if he really wants to just coach.
  9. If Jerry still wants to be GM and run the draft, it seems unlikely that Belicheat would take the job.
  10. This has been the biggest road block for people to get their minds around. Buffalo is not Seattle or Atlanta, or even Minneapolis, Cleveland, Nashville. Stop acting like Buffalo could be successful with the same set-ups.
  11. You're saying the average fan is an idiot.
  12. Agreed. McDaniels runs the same system in Miami. They've had great skill players, a great defense, and a game-manager type QB...but to no avail.
  13. The difference between Trump or Biden and someone like Ramaswamy is astounding. I wish we had a candidate who could communicate normally at the very least.
  14. Wait, Biden's DEAD?!
  15. Kind of a double edged sword, but they can control the narrative better without a debate.
  16. Not from an unbiased perspective. And I think Kamala said she'd debate too, but I think it would benefit the Dems to keep her off the stage.
  17. They're not tripping anymore. That's the problem, and the payoff from pulling the switcheroo with Biden. Maybe they'll be stumbling again when Kamala gets on the debate stage, if that even happens.
  18. That's the most simple aspect of the situation and it holds more weight than people think. All Trump had to do was sit back and watch the left trip all over itself. Trouble is that the left is playing chess, while Trump is playing checkers. It's not too late to replace Trump with Ramaswamy.
  19. I understand the points being made and how to distinguish between the two articles. Very neat.
  20. Trump had it in the bag if Biden stayed. Now, who knows.
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