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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. It just doesn't have the same effect when it comes from some rando on the internet...
  2. Don't get get him all worked up. He needs to calm down.
  3. Blake Lively is a smoke show
  4. Math should be unemotional. It should be. I agree. So practice what you preach.
  5. People who are offended often get offensive. This is you to a T. Treat people better in the thread, then. Don't get so emotional.
  6. Nothing else in your posts interests me. The idea of extraterrestrial life is such a touchy, offensive subject for you, it's not worth anyone's time to converse with you in this thread.
  7. Seriously great game. First time it felt like Dorsey's offense had rhythm.
  8. They're ugly as ***** I would never put solar panels on a house that I own and take pride in. God awful looking.
  9. Some people like to say there's no evidence of anything, but it's just that they refuse to accept the evidence or testimony of those who've seen these things. It's the same faulty mindset as those throughout history who refused to accept new evidence, concepts and theories that turned out to be true. Our civilization advances in spite of those people. However, the white "tic tac" UFOs and the developments since then have been really interesting. The intriguing aspect of those craft is they were not detectible until we were close enough to see them or get them on short range radar. It is suspected that they use an advanced gravity engine and that they are probably unmanned drones collecting data, but what do we know. At least that concept is relatable for us.
  10. It's wrong to believe that because it would go against all historical trends. The odds of a missteps happening, no matter the degree of advancement, are greater than the odds of no missteps at all. That's just math, you know. I heard this thread was about math. Also, we can comprehend traveling the speed of light....we can comprehend worm holes....we can comprehend gravity engines....and whatnot. We just don't have the technology to do it or the full understanding to implement it. We can certainly comprehend the concepts and their possibility.
  11. I'd have to wake up my kids at 630, so no... Will watch with them if there's a replay. I imagine I'll be able to replay it on Disney+.
  12. Just imagine if humans accomplished that. You don't think there could still be issues? Think of every great advancement we've made throughout history. Were there still not accidents and missteps after?
  13. Like our forefathers proclaiming the Earth was flat... or that we were the center of the universe.... All available evidence pointed to those truths....until it didn't
  14. Maybe some people are just meant to post emojis or gifs. When they get promoted to opinion-giving, they become incompetent. IDK, just my .02 from my vast experience in high level posting.
  15. The problem with Harty's plays are that they are telegraphed for the defense. This is a Dorsey problem. He's not a smooth play caller. He lacks subtlety and rhythm.
  16. Hey guys. Is this the thread where I can not-so-subtly indicate to you all that I'm a super successful manager of a business? Cuz I am. So I get it. I get ALL of what this is.
  17. I like Daboll as an OC more than Dorsey, so I choose that, although I don't think this is a realistic scenario and I also might prefer a third option.
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