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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. I think it's part of the reason Phillips blew it up so be bad: if you're gonna go offside, I'm gonna go offside.
  2. Something kids in the future are gonna gawk at: pictures of satellite dishes on top of people's houses just to get TV.
  3. That would be an epic meltdown from the Bills, who haven't lost by more than 6 this year. In fact, you have to go back to 2021, Week 10 vs the Colts, for the last regular season game the Bills lost by more than 6. Once again...this is for the ***** Steelers. What is wrong with you people?!
  4. I've been saying this since the minor leagues (USFL/XFL) came on the scene with a much more efficient and transparent officiating process. The NFL has the resources to be much, much better. They don't even need more resources, in fact, just a refreshed mindset and approach to the whole thing.
  5. Hallmark's trying to buy the rights to their story as we speak.
  6. How many Lions fans do you converse with regularly?
  7. Just show me some Taylor Swift. Much easier on the eyes than the rest of em.
  8. McLaurin's been one of my favorites since he entered the league. I'm always wishing he somehow lands on the Bills. This is how the NFL gets away with such crap officiating. Stupid people actually support it.
  9. I don't think it did to much extent, but we did learn that all the players support McDermott 100%. I don't think anything changed in that regard. Dunne's article made many fans question the players' loyalty to McDermott and that at least got put to bed. On to the next game. I think the thing cementing this team together is desperation. Josh said something postgame to the effect of "win or go home." They all know it's crunch time and all these games are essentially playoff games. It's do or die and the whole team has bought into that mindset.
  10. I always thought they were just lining themselves up with the stick and making sure everyone outside them is behind.
  11. Don't worry! They'll stop the game to eview this, but not do the same for more controversial calls.
  12. That's the route he was running. He was prepared to receive the ball and got hit from behind. You thought he was working his way back to the ball and simply stopped? That's what you make it sound like.
  13. I've never seen McDermott decline a penalty on 3rd and long that pushes the team back further. What's your reasoning?
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