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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. Outlaw is a lights-out approved MOA, so it isn't true what that witness says. They don't need their navigational lights on. There are always a lot of lights over the east valley due to the air traffic coming in that way, combined with the MOA activity. But that area has a long history of conspiracies, even before the Phoenix lights. The mountain range out there is called The Superstitions because a lot of people have gone missing there. Back in the day the popular speculation was that the victims were captured by Native Americans or killed by mountain lions, but others chose to believe in the supernatural. There's also the Lost Dutchman legend. These days there is plenty of human activity in the area, so it's not as mysterious. Those mountains offer the best hiking trails around.
  2. Awesome Looks like the franchise might be redeemable
  3. Wow. Yes.
  4. Hard to sell these guys as younger when their bodies look and move like old men. Otherwise, the movie was great. Maybe they could've broken it up into 2 parts, but I never felt like it was dragging. The acting is unsurprisingly awesome. Pacino's performance was inconsistent. Could they have gotten Jack Nicholson to play Hoffa? I just realized he hasn't been in a movie for almost 10 years.
  5. I didn't have a problem with it at the time. I was glad the Bills were disciplined and didn't over commit. That's not a surprise because they're really well coached. You make an interesting point, though. It will be interesting to see if the Ravens get blown up in the victory formation in the future. What will their reaction be?
  6. He says the clapping is for positive reinforcement, but I'm pretty sure it's a diffusion tactic suggested by his therapist.
  7. I lean toward it being an issue with the play design, but I'm not sure. I think there are also a lot of option routes in this offense.
  8. This is a lose-lose situation in regards to fan 20/20 hindsight. If he throws short of the sticks and Beasley doesn't make it, fans will freak out that he didn't throw to the sticks. If he misses the throw to the sticks, fans will freak out that he missed the underneath guy. The real criticism here is that Brown's route should've been squared off at the sticks to create separation and get the 1st down, not the touchdown.
  9. I thought it was looking that way. Great th iij n about this team is I just trust that they're going to find a way to score. Doesn't always work out, but they instill confidence in the fans that past teams did not. It all starts with Allen. He had a rough game today, never really settled down, but he's a gamer. They should be able to beat the Steelers.
  10. There will be some power backs in the mid rounds, like Tre Ragas.
  11. And the Han Solo movie opened the door for human-droid sexual relations, so...
  12. That works well with the "Firebaugh" nicknames
  13. And apparently Kroft is more dangerous than Knox? Kroft is an option, but not Knox...
  14. Get it done, McBeane
  15. There's just no special formula. "Focus on the positives and use your imagination" is about as good advice as any. Just make sure the guy is a leader and has a good work ethic. After you draft him, focus on what he does well and try to teach the rest.
  16. This just means the Bills will lose and get no respect from the media for another year #BBFS
  17. Yeah....she doesn't qualify as a "commercial woman" She's a star
  18. That's a definite "yes" Idl don't think she's the best we've seen, though. It was also legal.
  19. Not really. I wasn't nearly as worried about the Cowboys and picked the Bills to win that game. This is the first time this year that I've picked the Bills' opponent to win.
  20. I was aware of the stupid Peloton commercial because it's been playing on Hulu, but I didn't know there was a controversy. I had to Google it. Thanks for that moment of entertainment. ?
  21. I have Sal Maiorana's Relentless It covers 1960-1994
  22. I need to get the big Falcon. I have the big Slave 1
  23. Yeah, neither Funko Pops or bobbleheads are particularly engaging. I guess there can be nostalgia associated with them, if you're collecting them at certain events. A guy I work with just buys Funko Pops online when new ones come out. There seems to be no nostalgia associated with that practice. I recently built the 1960's Ford Mustang with my son. That was fun and it's a particularly good looking Lego model. I find the looks of the car models to be hit and miss. Sometimes it's just not possible to capture the looks of a car with Lego pieces.
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