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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. I keep telling them to, but they're not into it
  2. Those tic-tac UFOs are the probes. We found them....or they found us....
  3. Idk about you, but I'd shine a blinking light at the ant. The ant would wonder what my blinking light was, but never be able to figure it out. I'd LOL so hard. Stupid ant.
  4. idk.... I'm fine with turning the sound off and watching J-Lo dance on the stripper pole
  5. They didn't capitalize on those turnovers. On the flip side they can increase their lead the same amount if they score and make the conversion. Same difference. Seems fair to me.
  6. I mean just more aggressive, but that may be the coaching/system. It was always a question on TBD if Tyrod was being held back from being more aggressive.
  7. Walker just put the team on his back. He throws the way we all wish Tyrod threw....
  8. Ah, that too.... PJ Walker with a Josh Allen-esque run. He needed to get his team fired up. The game got into a lull....
  9. On the other hand, those current NFL cities also have a proven interest. Overall, game attendance looks better than what the AAF had. San Antonio and Orlando seem like good expansion options if the league is successful enough.
  10. Yeah, I see it happening too. Just doesn't seem sustainable, except for a couple teams like San Antonio in the AAF and St Louis here, who actually seem to have gotten good fan-following. I find this very easy to watch, if you love football. And no other football is happening right now. I'm interested in the NFL combine, but I don't want to sit and watch it. Boring. I can get all their combine stats later...
  11. Then it's like the same kind of roster turnover that happens in college. I don't think that's good for a professional league. It would only work if they were a minor league partnering with the NFL. Getting college talent, even some HS talent is what they should try to do, which the AAF didn't seem to have any intention of doing. Houston should crush them. I don't see it being much of a "rivalry" in the near future. They say that's a ball Landry "knows he can't throw" but I don't think he does. That's what I never liked about Landry since his college days. He didn't seem coachable, never improved.
  12. It's gonna suck to lose guys like Ta'amu to the NFL. He's gonna go to the big league, but he's gonna be a back-up. Then St Louis becomes a much less interesting team. It's a lose-lose for everyone, but Ta'amu. Like @simpleman said, the XFL needs to pay up. Fans need to keep watching, too. We can't complain that they're not able pay for stars and then not watch. They need the fan following in order to grow and be able to give those pay-days.
  13. He seemed confused on that XP attempt...
  14. great concentration on the TD Idk what buttons one would press for that....
  15. I'm personally hoping St Louis stomps them into the turf He's not on their depth chart anymore Oh, he left after his father died... ?
  16. I think he's the right fit for NY. McGloin was always fool's gold. LA needs to go for it here. Johnson to McBride again... The next meeting between LA and Houston will be a shoot-out
  17. I think the answer to that is a pretty obvious "Yes"
  18. Did you see how the Guardians' STer adjusted the punt protection to account for LA's numbers? How come the Bills couldn't do that vs the Pats? ? Snow game!
  19. if I know anything as a Bills fan... Yes We Can
  20. Yeah, he should just stay in the XFL if he wants to actually play. The XFL stars should stay and promote their league, but can't blame them for trying the NFL again.
  21. There was some lazy story-telling going on...
  22. People need to stop giving that guy attention. He's the worst. Maybe he's thinking outside the box.
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