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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. You're in the PPP section. This isn't about the Bills.
  2. That's pretty cool if real. I'm pretty sure we (US, China, Japan, Russia?) have satellites orbiting the moon... I wondering what the view from Earth will be like when it gets really crowded up there. Will it look like the moon has rings?
  3. They expect us to believe this is a comet... ? The coronavirus was just the aliens' preemptive strike. The full-on invasion is coming while we're severely weakened. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/atlas-comet-visible-night-sky-earth-solar-system-a9440836.html
  4. Laura Linney does well. I'd be fine if Wendy is killed off, though, lol. I wonder if Marty is having flashbacks to his original partner that was killed. He was the ambitious, boisterous, go-getter that wasn't really essential to the operation. Wendy is the same way.
  5. Not gonna bother reading that. I'm only here for the entertainment.
  6. This can't possibly end well for Kim.
  7. 27. The Sixth Sense 29. You've Got Mail 31. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
  8. Does it affect the qualifying period, too? Everyone who already qualified still qualifies. Maybe some get a longer time to prepare for qualification. Seems like a win-win, but disappointing in the short term, as is everything related to the isolation.
  9. That's kinda odd. They believed he was infected?
  10. Captain Holt - Brooklyn Nine-Nine
  11. It's truly amazing that a spinoff could turn out this well...
  12. Jeff Lowe seemed like the most normal out of the bunch, which isn't saying much, but it's something... That nanny is a 10. Yes.
  13. Yep. Both great movies. Frozen is dumb. Also, I watched Pinocchio when I was a kid. Never smoked a day in my life. The fact that he's smoking when he's bad is exactly the right message, is it not? Abso-*****-lutely
  14. Well, that would be a quarter of the season... She's the one with the knowledge to lead them to the Yoda race. I guess it would be kinda sketchy to bring in a new character with that kind of knowledge. It would need to be an established Jedi. Ahsoka is also linked to the Mandalorians, so she's a good splicer for the different story arcs.
  15. Wendy's annoying. I can definitely see her becoming the new Helen while alienating Marty. Ruthie is my favorite character.
  16. I assume that's true about pretty much every endangered species.
  17. So, with Dawson playing Ahsoka Tano, I guess the stance on having all new characters is gone... Biehn could play Dengar or Bossk. Boba Fett cameo?
  18. They should be powder blue full time. This makes sense.
  19. I'm actually liking it better now than the original picture of that hat... But ASU's didn't use the Fibonacci sequence, okay?? What if the person who designed ASU's logo got a job with the design team who did the Rams' logo... ...or what if it was the same design team...
  20. No way. "Covidiots" is reserved for the crazy people we have to deal with CURRENTLY
  21. The participation trophies basically facilitate that. When we hand them out we say something about the player and their improvements. I wouldn't pay for participation trophies, either. School gym? They wouldn't pay for the banner?
  22. Not allowing PTO is a big red flag here. Yikes. Also, wasn't employee pay already in the budget for the season? Come on. Technically don't have to pay them, but it's the right thing to do. Scroogin
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