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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. They could've made the C a sideways horseshoe and put Indiana in the middle of the O That might look better
  2. I thought the problem was that Trump was touting the drug as a preventative measure and advising people to take it even if they're not showing symptoms. This seems like a big straw man argument. I don't get caught up in the politics of it all, though.
  3. Those two calls (touchback and blind side block) pretty much cost the Bills the game, but you hope they play better in order to neutralize bad officiating. I think that's the end-all-be-all judgement and you're not going to get any closure from this. What really needs to happen is NFL officiating takes a back seat while becoming more transparent, like the XFL did. Just let the players play and only focus on the egregious stuff. Otherwise, refs can live in the grey area and control the outcomes (which is great for the NFL if they want to control Vegas).
  4. I bet they would draft someone. Not pay starter money to anyone in the meantime. Unless they could land a legit franchise QB
  5. I guess it's just a question of whether he's willing to be backup over just sitting out. I wouldn't mind Winston as a backup. He definitely fits the mold of a "QB who won't lose half the games."
  6. There was a lawsuit and Brees was talking about investing in jewelry pieces, which is why he overpaid. He just sounded ridiculous to me. I believe they did win the lawsuit, though. Or won something from it.
  7. Yeah, Wendy is more like Walt from Breaking Bad. She puts up the front that her actions are for her family, but it's really because she wants power and she loves doing what she's good at. The arcade game metaphor was powerful. Marty simply wants to beat the game. He'll put in the money until he completely wins. Wendy wants to BE the game, forcing others to keep giving her money.
  8. Because Marty is irreplaceable. The rest of them owe their lives to him. That's why I hate Wendy for getting so cocky. She didn't realize her place on the totem pole until the situation with Ben. That would be a big departure from where his head was at this season... If Wendy can reign in her ambition to safe levels, then maybe they both could do it. But Marty by himself is not gunning for that position.
  9. Isn't Drew Brees a huge tool as well? Remember that thing with the jewelry? Who in their right mind invests huge amounts in jewelry? Yeah... seems like they may just be swapping out tools ?‍♂️
  10. His commentary is sufficient. I think it's mostly a personality thing. He's the NFL's biggest shill, but that's what he's paid to do, so.... he loves ages 14-18....wow those were different times
  11. We don't need to make excuses for him. I think he'll make another nice jump in his 3rd year, though.
  12. "Maybe" seems like the logical choice here. Depends on the circumstances around what we find out from now until then. If everything is the same, no.
  13. They can get out of this as long as they just delete their tweets... ?
  14. Right, so we need to prove they knew. That tweet just shows them conducting business as usual, while relying on China's data. Whoever tweeted that for the WHO, it's literally their job to inform twitter about the reports coming in so it's a big shoulder-shrug to me. That NY Post article you posted puts all the blame on China.
  15. The tweet has nothing to do with that, though. It's just a weird focus on a single tweet where they're forwarding information from a government agency. Aren't they obligated to report this information? In a perfect world, we should be able to trust our governments, but you know...
  16. I agree with that, pretty much. Just don't understand outrage at a tweet in January about an initial report. Seems misplaced. All that outrage should be placed on Chinese authorities. What else did they tweet around that time? This seems so trivial without any context. It's not like the WHO said in the tweet "This report is legit". They're just relaying what the Chinese are saying. It can be used as evidence of how the Chinese were misrepresenting/manipulating the facts, if anything.
  17. When was it tweeted? January? It's an initial report from Chinese authorities, not the WHO. Why would they not tweet about an initial report from China, where this all originated? It seems like standard procedure, from what I understand of Twitter.
  18. Maybe some people look at it like it matters, which is bad for PR. The fact that anyone cares about that is a big problem on its own.
  19. I'm not on twitter, but it looks like a tweet citing Chinese authorities, so why would the WHO need to delete it? I'm sure they've tweeted a bunch of stuff since then. If it said "WHO's initial investigation shows no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission..." then that would be humiliating. or maybe the "Chinese authorities" should just delete their authority?
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