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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. Nope, but the politicizing/blaming around his "friend's" suicide is really telling. If he wants to use his soap box to yell about it, he must want us to talk about it. ?‍♂️ And looking at his feed, its just that one tweet. No respectful tribute to his friend....no promoting of helplines, donations, or agencies that can help people in need... You can easily see what the motivation is behind that one tweet before he quickly moves on to other topics. Pretty scummy. Thousands of people are dying, but Dan Bongino is gonna use his friend's suicide for his own agenda and blame others. Classy move.
  2. He'd love everyone to believe that and only his select few to feel guilty, at least. ?‍♂️
  3. all the players want to come back when there's a shortened offseason, lol
  4. I don't give a ***** about some loser politicizing a suicide and conveniently blaming others for it. Anyone who does that, right or left, is a total d-bag.
  5. Learn how to read. Your post was a total waste of time on an argument that no one in this thread is having, lol.
  6. I think we can make this into an American Ninja Warrior type obstacle course
  7. It'd still be a level playing field for everyone. The rest of the world might disregard it to an extent, though. That might make it a little less enjoyable.
  8. I'm prepared! Luckily, there's been no shortage of my favorite beverages
  9. The consequences of a president just pushing a specific drug at the podium instead of the consistent message "follow your doctor's orders" should not be lost on us. Meanwhile, we'll make all the excuses in the world for political reasons. No matter which way you lean, we're all headed towards a lovely corporate republic. It's all getting pretty nutty. Can't say I'm not enjoying it, though. ?
  10. Not saying you did. Just having fond memories of our President selling hydrochloroquine at the podium. Ah...those were the days... ?
  11. Following your doctor's orders was always the right advice, lol. What a world....
  12. Don't forget: while blaming others for your "friend's" suicide. 3-way tactic well if there is, it's your fault for wanting to stay locked down! Rraawwr!!
  13. it's a "who's the better rapist" election. Gonna be tons of fun...
  14. are we all admitting now that taking hydrochloroquine by itself was always pointless? I don't follow this as closely as others, but is that actually what's happening here?
  15. I haven't argued that at all. Just pointing out a loser who uses his "friend's" suicide to draw attention to himself. I guess you like that? On the flip side, its like someone's grandmother dying and then they get on Twitter to yell "***** you!" at people who want to open back up. Yeah, this is America. We can max it out if we work together.
  16. It has to be with zinc now? Lol, this ***** is so crazy. Can't wait for that vaccine...
  17. Me neither. Stupid people yelling on Twitter will probably become more common, lol. That's pretty much all Twitter has been good for.
  18. ...and are you throwing f-bombs around on Twitter because of it, blaming other people? Lol
  19. Tons of people were laid off and found a way to not off themselves. That's a personal problem. Many more are also dying from the virus.. This guy's just making it all about him.
  20. Making his "friend's" suicide political. Sounds like a real winner....
  21. I can see it now... ESPN 30 for 30: The 2020 NFL Draft
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