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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. The press? No. I think it was a nice set-up. Some of the press wants so bad to get her/Trump that one of the dumb ones was easily fooled.
  2. That actually helps the refs make their point: that they can overturn stuff when they feel like without the PI video review. It was so easy for the XFL to implement a simple video booth review process. The NFL just can't get out of its own way....or doesn't want to....
  3. Yeah, I guess. I'm sure he'd love to know what questions will be asked too, lol
  4. Nothing wrong with the point being made, but this was obviously scripted. She's looking down and reading off notes.
  5. was that not just a normal TD review?
  6. Nah. YOU is absolute trash.
  7. It worked perfectly the way the XFL did it. The NFL is just too important to be transparent, I guess. This is going to come back around...
  8. That does seem really dumb. The Thunderbirds/Blue Angels did this in major cities across the country, though (Operation America Strong or something). I doubt they coordinated it with the Georgia governor. We watched from our front yard.
  9. The Last Man on Earth https://www.syfy.com/syfywire/the-last-man-on-earth-is-the-sitcom-we-need-right-now
  10. Greg Daniels and Steve Carrell are behind a new Netflix comedy "Space Force" coming at the end of May. Definitely interested in this one. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Force_(TV_series)&ved=2ahUKEwjwrbCYj4rpAhUCnZ4KHbqJAHMQFjATegQIChAB&usg=AOvVaw1KoGcN7b_yeHc_GKHolWFp
  11. Anything new on these videos? Or just the same three that Tom Delonge released?
  12. I enjoyed that very much, thank you
  13. Exactly who I thought of when seeing his wide base and balance. Just maybe not as quick or creative as Lynch.
  14. everyone leave ESPN and go to cbssports.com They gotta realize...
  15. Maybe. I think first and foremost he's a developmental 4th rounder who they'd like to get coached up behind the aging vets
  16. They just got to Charlie Heck....you guys need to chill, lol
  17. They've definitely had talented teams....
  18. These are rookies, though.... Watch only 1 actually become a starter...
  19. Use the hide text feature!
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