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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. I'm giving it time. The scenario in the 2nd episode is funny. People naturally want to compare it to The Office, like they just want to re-watch The Office with military and space jokes. That's the wrong approach all around. Spaceforce is something entirely new and the talent is certainly there to make it good.
  2. What ratings? Who's concerned? If that's the case, wouldn't they just schedule it on Saturday to begin with?
  3. Bro, if its not jeans then gtfo This thread is about jeans now
  4. She doesn't have a butt. You can't take pictures of something that doesn't exist.
  5. Trump would if he could, though. The shoe fits. I might be wrong, but I don't think you're against calling a duck a duck.
  6. As an impartial non-user of social media, fact-checking highly influential users seems like the correct slope to me. I wonder if there is a way to make an exception for that code, which could have more oversight from outside stake-holders.
  7. We have checks and balances in place to keep this from happening, thankfully. In place from the very beginning. Of course everyone wants to control their message. That doesn't mean they legitimately want to implement state-run news/media. Trump is the first to threaten total shut down. That's the point. He actually wants that dictatorship. You can't lump all politicians into that category of person.
  8. oy..... I think we need to unplug from the Matrix.
  9. I don't use Twitter, but that doesn't sound like a bad idea to me. Adding the fact check link to highly influential users wouldn't be hard. It should be coded to search all valid websites. That wouldn't kill their business. Most politicians don't want to control news/media. That's false. We're talking about state-run news/media like dictatorships do. Trump envies that.
  10. You're not really explaining discrimination well, which doesn't help your argument. Business owners discriminating against patrons is the issue around the instance you're referring to. There is some grey area there, but I doubt any discussion on that will be productive in this forum.
  11. As he posts on that very platform... Holy hell Both liberals and conservatives have been posting unencumbered on social media. I personally stay off of it all. TBD is my social media, lol. Please explain how a fact check link denies free speech.
  12. They do give the benefit of the doubt to leaders. FB has a similar policy dubbed the "newsworthy exception" Twitter's been letting it go for a while but the scrutiny intensifies. Adding a simple fact check link doesn't stifle any free speech. Its very concerning to have a president who wants to control news/social media. Trump wants a dictatorship as much as possible. We can't let that happen.
  13. There should definitely be an accurate assessment of events. I know that's hard to do. We were unprepared for a threat we knew was out there since the early 2000s. Instead of spending a reasonable amount of money over time to prepare, we spent much more in a short time to react. $21 mil for a tennis court hospital that didn't get used? Not saying it didn't need to be done, just that it was the result of a total failure, which definitely needs to be assessed in order to prevent future failures.
  14. Ugh, I came here to say this... Made sure to check through all the posts to confirm no one had said it yet.... You
  15. I don't understand why that guy was taking so long to pass...he has Aaron Rodgers and wide open receivers. Should've been a shootout.
  16. I think you're simplifying it too much. They're considering known results and calculating the probability. They're not just trying to prove a hypothesis true or false. Like considering hurricane season results: 1. Many hurricanes will form over the mid-Atlantic and most will make landfall on the east coast. 2. Many hurricanes will form over the mid-Atlantic and few will make landfall on the east coast. 3. Few hurricanes will form over the mid-Atlantic and most will make landfall on the east coast. 4. Few hurricanes will form over the mid-Atlantic and few will make landfall on the east coast. Then calculating the probability of those results with your known contributing variables. Then adjusting the probabilities over time as the observed variables change or new variables are discovered. They're not trying to determine if something is true, they're trying to determine the probability of results they know to be true.
  17. Really? Give Murph highlights, a skirt, and heels and I'm sure he looks great, too...
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