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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. Yes. That's a great story!
  2. See, this is a manifestation of that trouble to cope. No one's trampling you. That's your illusion.
  3. Well, there was a bad instance of kneeling, that's for sure.
  4. I've always found the false gratitude to be more disrespectful. After hearing "thank you for your service" so many times, you recognize who really means it. People who find the kneeling disrespectful are just having trouble coping with the differences, IMO. Its a symptom of the pack mentality. it sure is
  5. I don't mind if people kneel during the anthem. That’s your right. That time is dedicated to honoring those who've fought to preserve our liberty, including all minorities who've fought in our wars. If you don't think that liberty is being upheld, go ahead and kneel. If your tired of everyone saluting the soldiers and then turning their back on those same soldiers, go ahead and kneel.
  6. Nah, ET is steering clear of Earth for a while...
  7. Not sure why the focus is on the Bible. This is a normal event for the POTUS. Kinda brings to light the trouble our country has with the separation of Church and State, but that's a whole other discussion. The video is pretty damning for the police, though. There's no need for them to throw punches at peaceful protestors/media. Like others have said, that's an image we're used to seeing from other countries in recent times. Not ours.
  8. I'd be fine with the first part. I'm not sure a civil war would even stop the election, but I guess you never know. Lol, but that was a bit more structured than what a civil war would look like these days...
  9. Who? Why would the elections not happen?
  10. I think Klobuchar would be perfect for Biden and of course....he's distancing himself from her.
  11. I wouldn't think so. I'm not sure how it will affect the election, but I have a hard time believing people were swayed by Biden even before this.
  12. I would think so. Depending on the situation.
  13. The police definitely need to choose their battles. Protecting life is a higher priority than protecting property. I'm wondering if that's what the Raleigh Police Chief's comments are referring to?
  14. I mean....yeah. Irish Catholics, amiright?
  15. Of course, it's a Karen.
  16. Sorry to hear that. It's so *****. We need a real leader to unite this country and elevate our society. All we have is a bunch of finger-pointers keeping us stuck in the mud.
  17. The evidence says otherwise in Minnesota and Pittsburgh (see link above). Perhaps a Buffalo news agency will check police records as well. Maybe another reason to use this tactic is to dissuade the President from calling out local Democratic leaders like he did to Minnesota, calling them weak. I'm saddened like you are that we can't seem to unite as a country, state, community; any level. Faith in your community is a good thing to have. Hang in there.
  18. Maybe its a tactic they're trying to use to unite locals https://www.kare11.com/article/news/investigations/kare-11-investigates-records-show-arrests-mostly-minnesotans-as-george-floyd-protests-riots-continue-minneapolis-st-paul/89-73f3e0e8-0664-41d5-8d3e-4467d04da7cb
  19. If you're going to claim that government leaders and law enforcement are supporting the theory that most rioters in every city are actually paid outsiders, then please provide a link.
  20. Of course protesters are bussing in to nearby major cities. That's normal. The majority of rioters/looters are local. That's also normal. I know you mean well, but you're sounding a little dillusional.
  21. It's weird that you're making this leap: Community organizers didn't set it up, therefore all looters are out-of-towners.
  22. Yeah, it's nuts. Incredible precision to land on that thing while it's rocking out on the ocean.
  23. Maybe....I think everyone would know if it failed, anyway.
  24. They didn't show the first stage actually land on the pad... ? Feed cut out and then the rocket was on the pad
  25. I'm giving it time. The scenario in the 2nd episode is funny. People naturally want to compare it to The Office, like they just want to re-watch The Office with military and space jokes. That's the wrong approach all around. Spaceforce is something entirely new and the talent is certainly there to make it good.
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