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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. Classic. Probably got a nice case of road rash... Did they say something to the supporters, though? The first two didn't even look in their direction. Just looked like typical late night shenanigans, not "crashers"
  2. I'd love to see the stats on this....Arizona is a red state and has some of, if not the worst testing scores....
  3. Leah Remini in King of Queens What were we talking about?
  4. Exactly. Not effective.
  5. The foundation of the main arguments associated with the protests aren't based on generalities. That's why using generalities isn't effective.
  6. That's not even the group the "white people" label is most often applied to.... Maybe you can elaborate.
  7. This is an interesting stance to me. I think its an easy change when you consider how fluid language is. Labels are so fragile. It seems like labeling based on skin color is a big part of the collective mentality and contributes to the problem. The rest of your response mostly makes sense to me. I see people with the "your silence indicates your side" mentality, which is not a stable stance to take IMO.
  8. Will definitely watch. Maybe I'm wrong, but I doubt I'll be actually shocked by anything. At this point in my life, I've been exposed to a lot of the bad and good attributed to various levels of humanity. I've also traveled a ton and the USA is still the best country I've been to. Its not the only great country, but I can't put any others above it. Two questions just because I'm curious to hear the answer. I got nothing against you and I'm not trying to provoke you. 1. Is it okay if a "white" person simply keeps supporting minorities, like through their voting, but doesn't go out of their way to get involved or be vocal about it? I really don't mind being self-involved. Just trying to live a good life along with my family, you know? 2. Why are only "white" people being called out? Being "white" feels like its becoming a weird stigma, even among a growing number of "whites." I think we can use our words better. In general, I'm against calling out colors of any race. It's not natural to me.
  9. I think you're confusing "communicating intelligent civilizations" with "habitable planets" I'm pretty sure no one's ever said there are 10,000 communicating intelligent civilizations in the Milky Way alone, but I'd like to read that article of you have the link. Maybe someone said that about the entire universe?
  10. The calculation is based on a model of our own existence and produces an estimate. I think you're taking it too seriously, or your criticism is more justly aimed at the tone of the reporting. The headline isn't exactly accurate to begin with... This doesn't mean the model isn't legitimate. It's one model out of many that could be constructed, which don't have any data to verify themselves with yet. But if you think of it like a storm path model. Hundreds of estimates layed over one another and then you find the points at which they cross over each other the most. Those are the points we start looking at once we have the capability to look...
  11. YouTube is under attack now? Damn. There's a big difference between an open user-driven platform with comments that are hidden until the user opens them vs a private site with comments that are open while attached to the article.... Who really comments on a news site, anyway? BAN THEM ALL... ?
  12. Ah.....the Corporate Republic. It seems to be a very likely future scenario. A sci-fi theme for a long time.
  13. Safety? I was a fan when he came out from Georgia. He was determined to force his way into the league....
  14. I mean....its just establishing a minimum based on things we know... Interesting, but not super meaningful at this point. Big picture: we just need to find the right targets for when the day comes that we can cross that great divide...
  15. Maybe he would do it in support of his players, even though he personally hasn't had an issue with the system. Either way, I'm fine with whatever protest someone else wants to partake in. That's their right and it doesn't affect me.
  16. The gun range is fun, but virtual training could go a long way for those who don't want to hang out at the range.
  17. Sounds like an inevitability ?
  18. One would think discussion on police funding/reform leads to discussion on gun control reform naturally... I'm all for open-carry licenses
  19. What does this mean for gun control laws? It kind of goes hand-in-hand with police defunding/reform, right? Be more strict while allowing more widespread open-carry? Will more funds be allocated to public formal firearms training?
  20. That seems to be what the call is for.... "Disbanding" sounds more extreme. I'm not sure what Minneapolis is doing.
  21. You literally said they're trampling your genuine respect. If you're walking that back, so be it.
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