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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. I remember Dave Chappelle doing white face. That ***** was funny. And IIRC, he actually used it to poke fun at general white people, not even a specific celebrity. I understand the historical context is much worse for black face, but the context is key.
  2. It probably shouldn't have, but the accusations of a federal crime deemed it necessary they be called in. It sounds like NASCAR still wants to know why any pull rope would be tied into a noose in the first place. I doubt they get very far with that, though. yeah, that's what I assume. NASCAR said it's the only one that had a noose tied, but it was already like that.
  3. "They" being the Richard Petty racing team? Yeah, right now I'm just assuming it was cut-off after the fact. Apparently, it was the only stall with a noose tied, but it been that way since at least October. Safe to say it wasn't directed at Wallace at this point, but the facts surrounding the noose itself aren't entirely adding up.
  4. You're still not understanding the difference between "voiced skepticism" and outright calling it a hoax. I also doubt you understand why your apology isn't well-received while you come back in the thread to try to justify the thing you apologized for... Oh well
  5. I've gone and read a few articles now that the FBI's investigation has concluded and this still seems weird to me... Not one article discusses why the rope was cut or where it was found. Where are the details? Maybe more will come out in time. If someone finds a detailed article please post here.
  6. Honestly on most issues, I lean right, vote right. You wouldn't believe so by my posts in the PPP, but I just like calling out the bull#### and trying to create an actual discussion out of it. There just happen to be many more righties in that forum than lefties. I'll stop short there, since I don't want to make this thread political.
  7. Oh, they're VERY liberal... Hypocrisy and self-righteousness plague both sides.
  8. Nice. Why was loop cut off, though? In the current picture. The author seems to stop short at the end. I feel like any curious investigator would want to know the circumstances around the noose being cut off and where it was placed...
  9. Who else reacted the way you did? It's funny that you're trying to justify it now...lol
  10. Dude, you obviously wanted that reaction. That's called trolling. No more, no less. By all means, go for it. But at least own up to it.
  11. Part of the reason we haven't needed such a unified investigation network is that, up until recently, America has been at the forefront of technological advancements in military aviation. Now we're like "woah"....at least publicly
  12. If you had read the thread instead of just reacting irrationally, you'd realize I'm not really worried about the athletes. Go educate yourself on how the virus spreads.
  13. Once we establish our Corporate Republics, it won't matter which country is running them. ?
  14. yeah, I was telling my wife this the other day that Obama has really fallen short in this particular area. I mean....he seemed to check all of those important boxes I listed. Maybe his motives eventually were skewed. Or maybe the system is at a point now where one man simply cannot make the type of difference they used to. Like you said, the good leaders can be easily drowned out.
  15. glad you had a fun weekend You are correct that the online "reservations" were all about data collection. The "TikTok Teens" (our newest political demographic ?) wanted to manipulate that data in order to mess with the campaign. Great troll job and its all very silly, but this is what we're reduced to when we have these types of leaders
  16. those guys are great athletes in their peak shape during the season and still young. They have access to the best medical facilities and professionals. Based on personal circumstances, it should be fine if they decide not to play. It shouldn't cancel the entire season, though
  17. and we elected a leader who encourages all of that, as well It's a constant back and forth that requires real leadership to break free from.
  18. You have to be the decision maker in order to make the change. Sowell knows that and he believes in the liberty we're granted to elect the decision makers we feel will make the right changes. That's where the special combination of factors comes in. Who will be sufficiently educated, have the right motives, become the decision maker, and be able to motivate the mob all at the same time.
  19. Sowell doesn't buy into the sensationalism and neither should we. This PPP forum seems to love it, though. He's referring to leaders who are predominantly driven by racial and ethnic motives and mandates. And particularly uneducated leaders.
  20. The Trump campaign got pranked. Apparently, tons of people reserved the free tickets online to drive the numbers up. Sorry if this was already posted. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/aoc-gloats-that-trumps-tulsa-turnout-was-sabotaged-by-teens-on-tiktok Interesting that reports were all peaceful yesterday along with a great National Guard presence, but then the campaign tried to claim protesters blocked people from getting in...
  21. Lol...you have no facts. You don't know the person or the circumstances around her termination. Just sensationalized rhetoric to support your views. Most of this political forum is like that 24/7.
  22. He's right. It takes a convergence of special factors for a well-educated leader to find footing with the mob.
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