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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. you're just referring to the vocalization of viewpoints, I guess. Most rational people don't want to insert themselves into the chaos of social media and all that. But the fact is we are seeing it from plenty of people. The truth comes out in the voting, where everyone has a voice but doesn't need to spray it at everyone else.
  2. I do see that. Someone in this thread already mentioned Marcellus Wiley's comments yesterday. Just gotta widen your view, I guess.
  3. yeah, I'm just trying to be extra present and aware during these times (pandemic, culture issues, election, etc) because I know my young kids/their kids aren't going to remember any of it and I want to be able to answer their future questions and reflect on it accurately.
  4. It's not all about the specific BLM organization, though. This is more general. So, I think some people are making it political when its only a common social gesture.
  5. ***** 2020 in a nutshell no schitz given It's pretty weak if you abandon the team over this stuff
  6. Do you have a problem with the existence of Black History Month? Playing the "Black Anthem" seems to be a gesture of the same kind. I'm fine if other minority groups want a shout-out too. Blacks are just the most populous and have made greater strides towards recognition.
  7. Sounds like we're in the same boat. I can't imagine the NFL or any other pro sports organization saying anything in their broadcast that would deeply upset me enough to stop watching. I'm more concerned about the systemic cheating in the NFL. How are they going to fix their officiating....
  8. I just can't relate. The only way the NFL affects me is through the actual game play. I want to watch football and see the Bills win. I also support other football leagues like the AAF and XFL because I want to watch football. I couldn't care less if they're propping up some social causes in their broadcast. At the very most, it might start a discussion with my family or friends watching with me, which I'm happy to have.
  9. I'm a fan of this, but it does seem kind of redundant, considering the monumental parks that already exist. I wonder what location they'll choose. Somewhere in the west?
  10. Holy *****. That's the dumbest thing I've seen in a while....
  11. This broadcast sucks. Just give me some patriotic music and the sound of the fireworks.
  12. I just see normal decent people. You should put the cart back unless have some kind of handicap. But if that were the case, I imagine an employee would be helping you out. Kids aren't an excuse either, in most cases. I would just buckle mine up, lock the doors, and roll the cart back.
  13. Patton Oswalt's wife. Sadly didn't see the story's end. I remember talk about this being in the works a couple years ago.
  14. That's the video Trump retweeted...calling them "great people"...then deleted it 3 hours later Yikes https://apnews.com/7eea48b80f14474b7057967a9654c4f0
  15. Posters here constantly quote the MSM. They love it. Bolded headlines and series of empty posts. Everything is dramatized to the nth degree.
  16. Just let me know when we can start calling Sowell "Boomer"... ?
  17. Eh... Not dissing DR, but it might say something about your character if you let this place get to you. Or just says that you need a break.
  18. I voted "someone else" because I'm pretty sure it'll be Kanye West
  19. I like DR, but he was trending down lately, so I'm not surprised this happened. It was noticeable that the PPP was getting to him. Most of the posters in this forum just feed off the sensationalism and can't have a worthwhile discussion. DR is one of the good ones and I'll be happy if he comes back.
  20. The one month that there's a movie called "Buffaloed" about Buffalo.... Why do you hate this city?!?!
  21. It's all about consistent branding... Good ol' fashioned rope with a knot is the NASCAR style! Yeeeeehaaww!!
  22. Right. See also the Wayan bros doing whiteface in "White Chicks"......so bad, its good...
  23. I remember Dave Chappelle doing white face. That ***** was funny. And IIRC, he actually used it to poke fun at general white people, not even a specific celebrity. I understand the historical context is much worse for black face, but the context is key.
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