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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. https://nationalpost.com/news/space-guests-russian-cosmonaut-captures-possible-ufo-footage-from-iss
  2. I think you're missing the point... They're trying to stop human trafficking/sexual abuse.
  3. From the other side...yeah What most people don't realize is that there are multiple "Flat Earths" side by side...if the inhabitants of one happen to break through, that's when the real ***** happens. These instances are actually the source of a lot of our legends and supernatural stories. Aliens from outer space? no.... Aliens from outer domes
  4. Not a tunnel, just the break room. You can get some coffee, snacks, shoot the ***** and what not before you go back out on patrol.
  5. You can see members of the Illuminati guarding it.
  6. They don't fall off the edge because there's an unscalable wall of ice. In....your....face.
  7. Well, when you consider how many other talking fart balloons exist within NFL front offices....
  8. Just finished. It's a really entertaining little documentary. I relate to these flat Earthers when they express fear of the science that is reducing them to little grains of dust hurling through space at 1000 mph. That's scary to everyone. The footage portrays a combination of two human desires: wanting to reassure ourselves in the face of the unknown and wanting to exist in a community. These two desires support one another - reassurance builds community and community builds reassurance. The Flat Earth movement is just a more mentally unhealthy approach towards fulfilling those desires, because its more likely to end in disaster (as the ending of the documentary shows). As opposed to organized religion, which can still be justified in the face of science.
  9. "Maybe they should replace their cameras." ??
  10. When large scale behaviors can be demonstrated with small-scale experiments, there's no problem. That's the beauty of math and science, isn't it? History and current events, on the other hand, yes. You're dependent on the source of the information. For current events even, it's becoming more and more important to cross-check multiple sources.
  11. I felt like this when I was younger. Now I've come to appreciate the game within the game.
  12. I'd be more skeptical if the guy was now retired or unemployed, but he's still working for Aerospace. If he's off his rocker and just riffing to the NYT without Aerospace's consent, then I guess he could be unemployed soon....we'll see.
  13. "Seattle Squids" would've been perfect
  14. Yep, not my #1 sport, but I've been a Liverpool fan since high school and looked up to Steven Gerrard (trying not to sound like a bandwagon fan considering they finally won the league trophy this year). I'll also root for Pulisic and Chelsea, since he's the US's top representation over there. Can't wait for the Champions League matches next month.
  15. The quote was from Eric Davis, who consulted with the Pentagon’s original UFO program and now works for the defense contractor Aerospace Corporation. https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/research/a33413777/pentagon-ufo-program-materials-vehicles/
  16. Soccer has been fine. Full contact sport. MLS is doing the bubble in Florida.
  17. The NFL, as a whole (players/personnel), can't get out of its own way. They'll keep tripping over themselves until they finally call off the season. Meanwhile, soccer all over the world has come back without issue... Of course it is. Like the flu, it's not going to die. This has been common knowledge for a while now. We need to adjust to it.
  18. Its a hunch! All based on this thread alone. You're playing the card hard right now. And you're raising more card playing shopping cart abandoners. The future is bleak.
  19. You're being overdramatic. I guess you can try to play the "good parent" card here, but it doesn't come off as genuine. Your kids are in the car maybe 20 secs at most? You have the keys. Keep a window cracked open? These are just excuses for lazy cart abandoners.
  20. you secure the kids in the car first every time, even in perfect weather. That's the safest place for them. Lock the doors when you return the cart. But T&C doesn't even have kids. He's just an old, lazy dude.
  21. The Super Bowl is as close to a national holiday as a sporting event can get. Realistically, everyone knows what they're paying for, but I guess it's good to have that bargaining chip.
  22. Yep. Only a matter of time before "Indians" got changed. I think pretty much everyone has self-corrected by now to calling them Native Americans.
  23. The Redskins and Indians are the two that need change, IMO. The Indians got even more silly over the years with the cartoony logo. I don't think the Redskins logo offends anyone. that's not an elf, thats Baker Mayfield
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