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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. That your posts made no sense, but were amusing. See? You agree with me. Stop fighting it.
  2. This. Other stuff has taken priority this spring/summer as well as new distractions. But when it comes to game day, I don't understand how any real Bills fan can be less invested. Sundays are what it's all about.
  3. It's already off the ground. They drafted, completed camps...first game is in 3 days.
  4. He should just embrace the clean-shaven look. Maybe just focus on some rad sideburns.
  5. Maybe it's just me, but I appreciate Gilmore's stoic personality as much as Tre's bubbly personality.
  6. Yeah, its all about material. I'm aware of that. But your first post said "build a house like a shadow" as if black was somehow cooler temp-wise. And then your next post is about night time temps, as if that made any difference. Oh well, I mean I know you're not dumb, but those posts weren't justifying the look of the stadium in any way. It does fit in with the Vegas aesthetic, though.
  7. None of what you're posting makes logical sense, but it's amusing. Their mirror idea was a good one. I wonder how many birds it will kill...
  8. Adding on to that: I mainly just want to watch them play the most high level of football in the world. Its something to enjoy with friends and family. Anyone who can't compartmentalize this ***** is in a real emotional predicament of their own making. What a waste of time. We only have a limited amount of time here...
  9. Singletary, Bass Brown is on my bench.
  10. Hey guys, it's probably due to COVID. Remember COVID?
  11. Let's ***** GO!!!!!! Nice piece.
  12. I'm actually more excited. I've never been more desperate for some gad damn Bills football than this stupid year... If you're letting any sort of extracurricular campaigning ruin your fandom, then you're pretty weak IMO. I've enjoyed watching all the sports coming back. The games have been just as exciting.
  13. I think the most extra traffic comes with the losses... ?
  14. Its year 3 and he's got good weapons on offense. I think he will put together streaks of 3 to 4 good games, so I voted monthly.
  15. I bet some teams will do this. I'd be kinda surprised if they didnt.
  16. It's a take that actually provides some context. How bazaar, how bazaar... I feel like they should anyway, in order to make space for Singletary.
  17. DC is a skipping record, yes. But to your previous complaint, I'm saying it's not a lack of creativity or ideas. Its what the audience wants and they can be creative to an extent with the different stories/versions.
  18. I agree. They could do that if they were able to pull off the universe the way Marvel did. Like how we'll now have a new Capt America and no Iron Man....or a new Iron Man? But DC has sucked at it. Joker and The Batman seem like they could be great starting points for a good series. They say Joker is not related to this one, but the tone and the Joker-esque gang in the new trailer seem to match Joker.
  19. This is a worn-out complaint, especially with iconic comic-based movies. The comics themselves tell thousands of stories and include different versions of the same hero/villain. Why should that be different with movies? When it comes down to it, all movies are the same old stories told in a different way, under a different context, with different characters. Its just the passing on of ideas through different groups and generations of people. So don't expect super hero movies to go extinct any time soon and we can look forward to niche characters being thrown in here and there. They absolutely need to tell a good Silver Surfer/Galactus story on the big screen with awesome effects. The 2007 film was a bit disappointing.
  20. Its like these guys never left high school... True that age is just a number.
  21. I didn't say you couldn't....I said you can't do it for anything... I guess being able to hear inflection helps. We had a Caprice wagon when I was a kid. It was dark blue with the wood panels. Great combo; great car. I'm a big believer in 3 row wagons. My dad still had an early 90s Roadmaster wagon up until a few weeks ago when he sold it.
  22. Epicly bad. Like, how does that even happen with such talent on the field...
  23. Gross You can't just slap wood panels on anything...
  24. This. Usually the team leadership is coralled and set up with an escort prior to coming onto the court to celebrate. None of the normal protocol was followed so it turned into a chaotic situation, but the guard's reaction (and subsequent lawsuit) was totally stupid.
  25. considering what he's done lately (High Life, Good Time, Lighthouse...) he seems more than up to the task. He'll make Batman his own.
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