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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. it's been a roller coaster ride in Daboll's seat today..................
  2. Darnold throwing on the run is so much different than Allen throwing on the run....
  3. this is looking like a career game for Allen.... and Daboll's seat gets cooler..........
  4. That gif is welcome in any thread I hope that's what the Bills do to the Jets tomorrow Thanks Captain Obvious All cancer matters, too, just as much as breast cancer.
  5. Its a moot point. Not all priests are bad, but we still need to stop the one's who are molesting children...
  6. Broad strokes... You're doing the same thing you condemn them for. Just opposite. I relate to your optimism though.
  7. I'm so glad they got Esposito to be the big bad. If season 2 is better than season 1, he'll probably be the biggest reason why. And they seem to be hinting he has a Star Destroyer at his disposal....
  8. This movie is in good hands. Looks awesome.
  9. I believe it's pronounced "zshocks" Soft J Zshosh's Zshocks Looks like they just used a stock photo of Jeff Tuel
  10. Because we're better/smarter/faster/stronger than them and therefore make the best decisions all the time in any scenario and therefore can criticize anything they do. Welcome to the internet. @Albany,n.y., I'm sure players opted out for different reasons, but some may legitimately not want to risk catching covid. You seem to be implying that because the NFL is doing a great job of monitoring it, then the players won't catch it or be affected...
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