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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. Big things were expected from him this year, but he just doesn't have the type of QB/offensive system to consistently take advantage of his talent. You'd think a player would recognize that and come to terms with it beforehand, but sometimes it's harder to see from the inside.
  2. I always thought it was a stupid move to pay for Sunday Ticket. You enabled them.
  3. I don't see how Atkins fixes any issues. That move would've excited me 2 years ago....
  4. Yeah, the struggles are definitely mental and technical for him, not athletic.... I think they seem him as a really good project with Kyle Williams type potential.
  5. I'm not arguing that, but it's not what "being out of the NFL for a while" implies. It's not like he's out of shape.
  6. What constitutes "being out of the NFL for a while?" Didn't he simply serve a 4 game suspension?
  7. Not the same thing. If Harris can run through a diving tackle, good on him. Or are you calling 'bad form' on the attempt?
  8. That passing game looks more college-y than most, which I guess is expected.
  9. This Idk what other people are watching, but Josh's hard count is not effective because he tips his hand every time.
  10. The rich get richer? a. The Steelers already lost Devin Bush b. Avery Williamson is just a guy
  11. I haven't knocked him on this game, but it wasn't much of a test. We've known Tre to lock down the best receivers, so Seattle is a prime opportunity to do that once again.
  12. I read that somewhere too... Not sure where..........................
  13. Thank you. Not sure why it took so long... Seriously, I don't know who's out there that will really help this defense. They're not playing well as a unit, despite having pretty much the same level of talent as the past two years. I wouldn't have a problem with them doubling down on offense, especially when considering the league-wide trend of weak defenses this year. A lot of Bills fans are calling for an x-factor type player on offense; a better version of McKenzie. Lindsay is that type of guy.
  14. I'd love to see lock-down Tre White finally show up in this game.
  15. Cool, another Edmunds thread. 🙄 Just kidding, but seriously.... The whole unit has disappointed me. Maybe the only ones still free from my ire are the safeties.
  16. Random thought; I think a Bills/Bears Superbowl would be cool.
  17. He could bulk up a tiny bit and be the next Taysom Hill....
  18. 3rd round pick for Phillip Lindsay. Bills will have to work out an appropriate contract before next year. This is consistent with how the Bills value RBs in the draft, but Lindsay is a known commodity with break-away speed. There's a good chance the Broncos would do this in order to gain an asset towards building around their young QB, and Lindsay isn't their starter but can carry the load when called upon. He'd be a great role player in the Bills offense this year. Call me crazy.
  19. I think that'd be best for their future at this point. The Cam experiment has failed, but I'm sure they thought they could continue promoting a winning culture with him. I think starting Stidham right away would've signaled to the players that they were throwing in the towel this year.
  20. I hope the Jets give Gase a 10 year extension and they're bottom-feeders until my kids are at least college-age. Thanks for the nice post, though. Go Bills!
  21. Um....he was double teamed by a receiver and lineman... Not saying he's playing good, but that's not a play I would point to.
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