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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. Yeah, they should follow the President's lead, like when he declared he won the election and there's no need to count more votes. Just the facts, man...not trying to mislead anyone... 🙄 Who's acting like a teenage girl?
  2. Ah...the scenario is only white people are forced to take racial sensitivity training. This is a very Minority Report-ish scenario. "We already know what you're gonna do before you do it."
  3. I assume this is a playful joke made while we're both inebriated and totally consensual. I'm coming in.
  4. I also thought Japan and S Korea were wonderful. I little too close to Lil Kim and China, though...also, Japan just feels like its gonna collapse into the Pacific at any moment.
  5. I don't think our franchise QB appreciates you discounting his and his family's votes. Un-American AND Un-Bills...
  6. (Trump voice) Huuuuge...really huge. It's the best, most beautiful issue. The #1 trending issue, in fact. Nothing beats this issue. Nothing can touch it.
  7. Read the rest of the article and others like this one. He doesn't like that they didn't respond quickly enough to tell him they wouldn't be able to comply with the 3pm deadline....that's fine. Not much is going to come of it, though. The normal daily sweeps were still done in the morning and evening.
  8. They didn't "refuse," they just weren't able to fully comply in time (3pm). The sweeps were still done from 4-8pm, I believe. They're not going to get penalized much for that, if at all.
  9. I think it would absolutely detract from the accomplishment, since as they say perception is reality. But she may have been a big reason Biden won, anyway. That and the hate for Trump...
  10. What candidate is that? The reason they ended up with Trump is that it's a really weak field. I'm interested to see who rises to the top before the next election, though.
  11. Stop the votes > throw out the uncounted > overturn WI, MI, AZ, NV in the court... That's the hail Mary Try anything except to let the people decide.
  12. Something Putin, Xi, Kim Jong Il, etc would do... "Stop the voting! Seize the ballots! We win!" We can't put up with this.
  13. That was already proved false. Put in your hearing aid?
  14. lol...I was wondering what the first big story would be today. Congrats, Sharpiegate.
  15. Seems to be a false narrative to drive distrust before it goes to courts. The AP doesn't call any election until there's no possible path. Based on the data, the remaining votes look like they're coming in from Phoenix and Tucson, the big urban areas.
  16. lol..."plot twist" The number doesn't matter. It's where those votes are coming from: all mail-ins from the twi big urban areas.
  17. Those are the different reasons I was referring to. With only speculation in hand, I wouldn't call any of it legit. I haven't seen him say that, but I wouldn't be surprised.
  18. There was a similar notion from the other side in 2016, albeit not entirely for the same reasons... "They'll probably get Trump to leave and have Pence be President."
  19. This is eerily similar to when people blame the refs for Bills losses...
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