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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. Online communities are kind of a safe place...if one is seeking that out. However, I think people exaggerate the ratio of online hermits vs the rest.... Even someone who has like a long-standing WoW online community, or something like that, will still find differing political opinions there and find a way to cope.
  2. Yeah, I'm really sitting on the edge of my seat for that one...
  3. I'm not disagreeing with the society part, but this is nowhere near the same scenario as 2000 and it will not get overturned.
  4. Bush didn't get smoked in the EC vote. 2000 came down to Florida. Overturning the 2020 election would be NOTHING like the 2000 decision. Get real.
  5. omg, that's gonna be so ***** funny
  6. Okay, you clearly didn't re-read it and/or understand it, so whatever.
  7. Big Gun calls Reuters a "far left" outlet in 3....2....1....
  8. That's correct. Re-read Kemp's post then. I'm trying to help you out here.
  9. You might want to re-check the stats there....
  10. lol...Trump TV ugh....what a fun little era in US history this was. If HBO makes a limited series in a few years, I'll definitely fork over a few bucks...
  11. You just proved that the whole thing will not burn. We were already burning...voters just put out the fire.
  12. I'm totally cool with this if Trump is gone They're reversing the abortion ruling because the people and their culture didn't actually support that.
  13. lol, I saw that meme this morning... Do they? lol
  14. Yeah, the majority was from Florida and Texas, which is great for them if they want to keep those states.
  15. Yep. There were very real health and social implications that necessitated getting this guy out of that seat/away from that podium.
  16. The Latino faction of Trump voters was huge for Florida. I'm not sure about the minority spread around the US.
  17. not even far left It seems that a lot of moderates were flipped
  18. I guess they both did... Unless you don't give credit to the Biden campaign for driving more turn-out. If not, then was it Trump's fault? If so, then did he actually run a terrible campaign? Uh oh, we're going in circles here.
  19. oh...he believes it alright. He believes it HARD. I guess Trump's team could go after Arizona, too...but they simply weren't prepared to do so. That's the state that took them by total surprise. Disputing the election was premeditated by them.
  20. considering the recent slang definition of "wizard" it could be both....
  21. Uh....what's your definition of "modern history."
  22. AZ has always been open carry and it's wonderful.
  23. The first time my wife asked me to do that, I intentionally got the wrong kind so that she never asked me again. In fact, I employ this tactic regularly in many aspects of home and work life.
  24. what site are you checking? or is it live news?
  25. @Back2Buff says liberalism is a disease. I know a lot of people with that. Will cannabis help as much as praying for them will?
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