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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. The title says "Brain" Seriously, man...
  2. always been a DE/OLD, afaik. I guess you could say his youth is a need at DE....
  3. The vocal minority... Most fans are pretty confident in the team/org, although I did think they would lose a tight shoot-out to the Seahawks...lol
  4. The Bills defense matches up nicely in a perfect world. They have a front seven that can contain Murray and the running game, and a secondary that can clean up. In reality, the Bills defense has been underperforming all year. The Bills offense can simply take what the Cardinals give them. I assume they'll run a lot more this game. The Cards have some decent DBs and Reddick has been balling out at OLB. The Bills will need to run the ball in order to avoid playing into the Cards' hand.
  5. Damn. Apparently, Vegas sucks in general....in regards to violent crimes. This is the first time I've looked it up, but I assume that's not surprising to other people. https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/nv/las-vegas/crime#data 2018 was their worst year to date. I guess it'll be interesting to see how 2020 will stack up. Eventually escaping the pandemic should help.
  6. That's a pretty grim picture you're painting of Vegas. That terrible shooting happened in 2017, though....
  7. You're trying to associate two things that have no correlation. That's where you're failing. This trend in adolescent activity doesn't have anything to do with football game attendance. If what you assumed was true, then game attendance from young fans would steadily drop. It hasn't and it won't. College kids will flock to games no matter the time of year, even those outdoor bowl games...because you know there are a hundred bowl games. Those points you're trying to counter with are silly. And all you have to do is read some posts here when the dome topic pops up. People say "I used to love going to the games when I was younger, but now I'd rather watch on my big screen TV and not be sitting in the cold." Going to the game is a social experience that younger people are going to gravitate towards and eventually grow out of as they get older. Die hard fans will always go, but demand a more dome-like experience as time goes on.
  8. lol...none of that has anything to do with enjoying an outdoor football game. You think getting less opportunity to do something means you won't want to do it anymore? It's actually the opposite. You'll have a GREATER desire to do that thing. Are you scratching your head at how so many young people show up to outdoor college football games in the winter? Don't strain your brain. It's because younger people don't give a *****.
  9. It's just not, though. You're projecting. Every generation says the same general things about the next generation and it's never true. What's always true is that the money (and subsequently the influence for making decisions) comes from older people.
  10. If the generation you're referring to is the middle-aged to old people who actually spend the most money on more games/season tickets, then I agree. They want to sit in a comfy stadium. Most young people (of any generation) don't give a *****...lol
  11. Buffalo is windy, yes. They should focus on engineering the new stadium to minimize that, if possible. However, the Pats/Gillette Stadium is currently the windiest on average. Shea Stadium was previously the windiest. https://www.esquire.com/sports/g2491/nfl-severe-weather-stats/ Wind doesn't mean anything in the big picture. Just build a great team. Shout out to that GB chick in the first picture.... Eh...Josh complained more about the brace. He had to remove it in the 4th quarter of the Jets game I think, despite the trainers telling him not to.... there's a link to the story in another thread. And Matt Hasselbeck explained how it caused throwing problems.
  12. "Tuna"....from Alabsma This is my new nickname for the rookie, lol. Thank you He does show some magic, though. Like Josh did his first year. Gonna take time. I hope "Tuna" fails though
  13. Pats, Steelers, GB, Seattle, KC, etc have been putting up big numbers and winning games regardless of open stadiums. This issue is overblown.
  14. Nope. Open air stadium all the way. Engineer it to minimize local wind patterns and enhance noise.
  15. Says guy who brags about his money on the internet...lol
  16. Signature win, everybody! Statement game! (Insert any other cliches here) Yes. Had a couple pressures
  17. Klein!! Lol But seriously....
  18. He was great in the AAF a couple years ago, IIRC....
  19. Yeah...uh...me too! Heheh.... 😏
  20. How exactly did the TD happen? I missed it.
  21. "Proud Boys....Boogaloo Boys" These are the funniest names... Ironic that these groups append "boys" to the end of their names when they're trying so hard to be men
  22. That's just not true. Most people have jobs and interact in real life. You're talking about a small percentage. More than in the past, but small.
  23. Big Gun and Jaraxxus are melting down HARD.
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