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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. I wouldn't call this "help." He's 30 years old and not good. If he wasn't good, but still young and developable, then maybe...
  2. 🤨 ... something smells fishy here...
  3. when I checked this one, it already gives Miami the win and has them at 7-3, lol
  4. Good call. MJD was a quality player. Besides some current players, Tony Boselli is the only name that comes to mind when I think of the Jags. This is why average to below average players are called "Jags" right? 😏
  5. I mean, obviously... Personally, still would choose a first edition Falcon over a Colosseum. I'm not big into these architecture sets. My small collection is pretty much just Star Wars and cars, lol.
  6. The Lego Holy Grail is still the Millennium Falcon.
  7. your title had me in shock.... and then I remembered that it's 2020..... and then I opened the thread...
  8. Maybe part of it is the Bills usually winning at halftime, so its the other team making adjustments first. That's certainly not all of it, though. How much blame is on the coaches vs the players? They'd be winning games more handily if they just kept their foot on the gas.
  9. Right now, I bet he's thinking about responding with something like "Belichick has earned the benefit of the doubt as the GOAT and McDermott has proved nothing except that he can lose big games..."
  10. I hate bye weeks... This will be good for the team, though. They should come out on fire against the Chahgahs.
  11. Two Bills Drive remembers.
  12. We knew this schedule was tough. The Bills have done well.
  13. Maybe it's part of the process. 4D chess.
  14. Yep, this is the only team that jumps right to my mind. Not one ounce of interest since they entered the league.
  15. I figured they had help, but had no idea they used velcro.
  16. I laughed at that too. Anyone with the slightest sense would realize that's a non-issue, but I'm sure some people just saw the headline and thought "See! Trump is winning!!"
  17. Ketchup Candy Canes 🤮 https://mcphee.com/products/ketchup-candy-canes
  18. Kim Jelly what?
  19. I'd take Shakira two years in a row. Who are we kidding, 3 years in a row easy.
  20. "I love you Josh Allen!" - Mickey Mouse
  21. Bruce is the greatest Bill and greatest lb-for-lb player to ever step foot on an NFL field. FIGHT ME!!
  22. I doubt that's all it was.... And I wouldn't call that a news site....
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