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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. Watching Lee Smith try to be a receiver is hilarious.
  2. No room for Blount. They need Lee Smith for red zone situations. Maybe Lee can also play RB. Such an athlete.
  3. Like others, his pre-draft process rubbed me the wrong way. That included the actions of his dad, trying to basically be his agent and manipulate the whole situation, kinda indicates a bad influence/poor upbringing. At least, as far as it contributes to being a leader of a football team.
  4. If this thread is any evidence, I think humanity will be fine. 2020 was the time to divulge this information. Humanity doesn't give a ***** anymore what happens this year.
  5. They definitely don't set up the joke well.
  6. Just put a 65" LG GX up on the wall with a matching LG 5.1.2 sound bar and sub. Nothing fancy in the sound department, but the whole setup is very sleek... and a huge upgrade over what I had before. Never been much of a tech/audio guy.
  7. Yeah, I updated my set-up during quarantine 😄 Can't say I don't miss the movie-going experience, though. I love the popcorn and no system I have at home is ever going to compare to IMAX/Dolby Cinema.
  8. My knee hurts just looking at that. People can stop posting that picture. I think we're good.
  9. What would the aliens possibly be marketing to us? They have to know the mathematical probability of success for such a gimmick is very low...
  10. "He did not return to officiate the second half." you don't say...
  11. I think I might drop Netflix and go for HBO Max instead. A bit pricier, but seems worth it.
  12. He says "Genghis" correctly. That's a plus.
  13. There needs to be a "you're welcome" reaction..
  14. Use the search feature. You're thread topic should be well-thought out, unique and new. This is why I rarely create new threads 😄 Don't be that guy who just starts basic, negative thought threads. No one likes that guy and we already have so many of those guys.
  15. The designs have really come a long way. That spaceship is something a child would design themselves, lol.
  16. This is a weird, random trend to start up at the end of the year... It might just be a message related to the symbolism of the triangle: unity; perfection If we start seeing 4-sided monoliths pop up, watch out....
  17. A good sign for the upcoming intergalactic war. We stand a good chance against them, mathematically.
  18. I've heard it a lot more recently. More of a trendy one I guess, rather than historically popular, along with the whole "alpha" theme that seemed to manifest as a reaction to the latest "me too"/women's lib movement. A variation of other over-compensating statements of the same nature.
  19. Well, now you've done it! Wtf man.... #1 fan rule: don't jinx your own team!
  20. Models himself after Larry Fitz. If he can have that type of career, he was a steal.
  21. How dare he. It's worse when the creater willfully leaves fans hanging and it's not a typical production issue.
  22. "I'm an alpha" Because anyone who actually says that about themselves is really a beta.
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