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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. Harbaugh acknowledged the wind affected both teams, so no problem with his comments there. Tucker's reactions to the misses were great. Just in total shock. 😆 The article said that the wind turned a game with two prolific offenses into a defensive struggle. That was supposed to play into the Ravens' favor, considering they were regarded as the best defense over the last 6 weeks at least.
  2. Its true, as long as he's not trying to use it as an excuse. It impacted both teams.
  3. Yes, but consider how the Ravens are using him. Are they putting him through the QB gauntlet like the Bills did with Allen the first two years? No. They paired him with Greg Roman, who's going to coddle him with a dynamic running scheme, just like he did with Kaepernick and Tyrod. So, even though he's 25 and putting up great numbers, he's not going to take that next step towards becoming an elite QB.
  4. Nah...he says obvious things. He was saying Jackson should take those short passes all night, disregarding the possible reasons Buffalo may be giving them up. A really good color guy would say Jackson just has to be careful about being too predictable. Meanwhile, I was noticing that they were setting Lamar up the same way they set up Big Ben. I called the Taron Johnson pick before it happened.
  5. On his running merits. TDs notwithstanding. He's not a complete QB and many here have been saying this for a while.
  6. Everyone said they would run all over the Bills... Sure, but how were they gonna pass?.... If I'm Baltimore, I'm not giving Jackson a huge QB contract...
  7. Who's been the MVP-caliber QB this year? This was under the context of this game. Don't be so dense.
  8. They set up Jackson the same way they set up Big Ben. Taron Johnson jumps the route and take that GAME BALL to the house!!!! Let's GOOOO!!!!
  9. They said all week the Ravens would run all over the Bills... Buffalo is a complete team. They held the Ravens to 3 points. They will find a way to win. Championship caliber baby!!!!
  10. Calling Jackson an "MVP" all night and never mentioning Allen in the same breath. ***** YOU!!!!!!! LET'S GOOOOOOO!!!!!
  11. Collinsworth should retire and leave right now. He's been calling Jackson an "MVP" all night. He didn't realize the Bills were setting them up with those short routes all night. Then Johnson jumped it just like he did to the Steelers. GTFOutta here Collinsworth!
  12. I think the Bills win this game as it's going now. Lamar's gonna throw a costly INT.
  13. How come Collinsworth isn't calling it an "MVP type play" like he did for Lamar???
  14. One of the funniest things I've ever experienced. Guys didn't poop for literally a week. It was a celebration when some finally took a *****.
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