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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. Yeah....those people were asking to be arrested. Lol.
  2. Sunday Bloody Sunday by U2
  3. I'd rather just see ads. This is a fan site.
  4. Gimme a restaurant where iconic robots from pop culture serve my food. Take all my monies.
  5. Take it easy. Those are clearly special children.
  6. My advice is to check out the facts that others have posted here and then try adjusting your expectations. If the NFL loses some luke-warm, bandwagon fans over this false narrative, I don't think it'll matter much.
  7. More people get together = more cases of illness. Seems like common sense that no one would question normally.... Many other studies of airborne sicknesses have been done over the last 200 years.... I hope all stadiums allow vaccinated fans back in 2021. It just makes sense and everyone will have a great time.
  8. I thought 9/11 was considered the day the world stopped turning...
  9. It's a neat juxtaposition. Would make for a great Norman Rockwell painting. "Freedom of Public Intoxication"
  10. That sounds like a wonderful time. These are the types of holidays I get behind.
  11. It's a Mark Whalberg action movie.
  12. Homage to the Boston Marathon. Blue pants would look sharp, instead of the grey.
  13. Just here for the lulz
  14. No. You should've had someone put you on their shoulders or something....
  15. Same I was in the upper corner at the scoring end
  16. Seems to be about the bunny.... Seems to be about what's in the chocolate...
  17. Draft picks are never a win-now scenario. They're 4-5 year investments. If you're looking for a win-now move, you sign a known commodity in FA to a big contract.
  18. ********SPOILERS***** Kong should have died and Mechagodzilla escapes into space
  19. "Legacy".... lol That legacy was tied to San Diego. I'm glad Ralph at least made it a point not to move the team... On the surface, it seems like a similar situation where they've tried to make the team as profitable as possible while investing as little money into it as possible.
  20. I've always been Team Godzilla. I like the way they handled it.
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