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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. Thanks, that's article sums it all up pretty nicely. However, "publisher" and "host" are incorrect labels. Facebook and the other social media companies are the moderators. They are not liable for what is posted, but can remove whatever they want. Personally, I'd love to see that exemption removed. I haven't seen anyone admonish the term "China variant."
  2. Link? I'm pretty sure it's not illegal to be offensive, but any platform can shut a user down for being offensive. Bottom line is that we're trying to control these private companies; maybe even want the government to control them, but that is all sorts of wrong. Facebook is driven by what their consumers want and that's the way it should be. Their decisions are based on money. So if they're mass-blocking certain stories like, it's because it affects their bottom dollar.
  3. Big story! Private company controls what's broadcast across their platform If you don't like how Facebook controls its own platform, then leave Facebook. You don't have ultimate control over what you put on there. It's not your own personal site.
  4. Stop spinning your wheels with Facebook, Twitter, IG, etc. Just read neutral stories directly from the source. People are giving social media its power and then complaining when it wields that power... 🤷‍♂️ Your life will be much better without social media.
  5. You have to look at percentages. Isn't that statistics 101?
  6. Trump's just like that, too. Two peas in a pod, those guys.
  7. Yeah, the extra athleticism only helped guarantee he'd be drafted high. Pretty typical. Not what I would call a trend-breaker. It seems more accurate to say that Josh Allen changed the way talking heads talk about QBs.
  8. It seems like most are agreeing that Trump isn't good for the Republican party when in the spotlight. He was one of, if not the worst president ever. An incredibly poor leader. It's ideal for him to still work behind the scenes, but it's key that he supports the right people and not just a bunch of mini-Trumps. I wouldn't hold out hope.
  9. Lol...no one's afraid to cancel Charles. What he says speaks to both sides. It's weird that one side would try to claim his point of view as only representative of their side. Just another example of the self-righteousness that plagues these discussions.
  10. As if that's you're only other option.... I guess that's saying something...
  11. Damn. If only you heard Sir Charles' words before the 2016 election....
  12. It's bothersome that people correlate money and leadership. There's literally no correlation, but a lot of people think the same way you do. I believe Jesus also had some things to say about money....
  13. Melifonwu? I don't even know Wu. I'm here all week.
  14. This was my first thought as well. Anyone not choosing touch is a dumbass.
  15. I've gotten both sides of this forum to agree with my posts. 😄 "I think he started out fine & would have been a lot better for every one if he would have just shut the hell up that's for sure !" You say this as if you thought it could actually happen. My point is that we all knew who Trump was and anyone with a lick of sense would know he would keep being an #######, not a leader. "Having balls" is such a basic and unimaginative sentiment. The President needs to be a leader, organizer, facilitator, motivater who works with the entire government. Not an authoritarian company CEO. "Independent" and "standing on our own" are very vague terms, but I subscribe to that ideology for the most part. The fact is that we live in a global economy and societal structure now. People need to get over their desire for living back in the mid 20th century. America doesn't become the leader we want to be by following the examples of China and Russia. Republicans need to be more creative than that.
  16. Do the players have to submit a notice to the FO before doing something risky? When I was in the military we had to submit a notice/request form before doing what they considered high risk activities.
  17. for the time-being, yeah....voters should see past/through the facade of the parties
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