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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. You're correct. I guess we can only comment on what we do know...
  2. Or would've died in jail with no one giving a *****
  3. I can't view tiktok and don't want to support it, frankly. Can you provide some context or an article from the source? I do like the gun discussion.
  4. I love how they refer to "main steam media" as if Fox News isn't main stream media 😆
  5. Everyone was still able to gather outside for all kinds of events, if they really wanted to. You may be referring to some specific low-key instances that were handled locally. 🤷‍♂️ The reality is that all kinds of outdoor events were still allowed to take place. Your request for absolute fairness would require protests and any kind of outdoor gatherings to be actively monitored and shut down by the government....
  6. So, you wanted the government to lock everyone in their houses? That seems counter-intuitive to your argument. And just for the sake of argument, you're talking about outside vs inside, as well as events that can be done virtually.
  7. Why does anyone want to do anything? We all have different reasons. I was in the military and put myself on a volunteer list to go overseas, for the the simple fact that I needed to see what the rest of the world was like. Young at the time and not overly concerned for my wellbeing.
  8. Actual enforcement through law of cultural and religious ideology has been slowly chipped away. I'd say we're making progress there...
  9. Is this for real? seems to be just speculation, but he publicly denied any interest
  10. You've never heard of people not speaking to cops? Welcome to planet Earth.
  11. You speak as if this wasn't already settled in court... lol.
  12. Maybe Tucker should turn his show into a news comedy show? Like The Daily Show or whatever. You can't run a serious show and do that to your interviewees.
  13. Does Tucker usually laugh like that? I don't watch his show. It sounded very weird, though.
  14. Doesn't he stay locked up during the appeal?
  15. Age is just a number
  16. Tampa is realistic just because their division isn't very good. I haven't looked at their whole schedule. All of these teams should be the clear cut best in their division in order to have a chance at 17-0 and I don't even see the Rams as that.
  17. What'd she say? I wasn't paying attention.
  18. Dislike: Vegas, Arizona, and any team in Florida because I don't want to live in the desert or Florida Also, WFT, Houston, Chargers, or Dallas just because the management seems to suck I'd prefer to be on a northern or coastal team
  19. Meanwhile, we can barely get the most basic helicopter drone to fly on Mars.... The aliens are winning.
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