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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. This is the NFL coach's version of a mid-life crisis.
  2. More fear mongering. You should probably get off social media.
  3. I do feel bad for @Big Blitz's kids.
  4. Precautions based on potential consequences are not a bad thing. I'm not going to argue the rest of your post, since it's pretty solid. A lot of those symptoms you listed were compounded by the leadership (or lack thereof) that we had over the last 4 years.
  5. I always voted Republican until 2016. I'm kinda surprised it took people this long. The story of the Trump party is really interesting, though.
  6. Chiefs and the rest are not even close. They represent the next hump for the Bills to get over.
  7. This was bigger than ourselves. I know what it's like to not be there at the death of a loved one. There are other circumstances outside of covid that could lead to that at any point in your life. This was global. Are you saying every nation in the world who implemented social distancing protocol is a dictatorship? Pandemics have happened before. This wasn't even the first time US citizens have been told to wear masks. But everything's so politicized and overdramatized nowadays (just like you've done in your post) that it becomes a tidal wave of overreaction. You're the person in an emergency situation who panics and does something stupid that puts everyone else at risk. That's who you are.
  8. You don't seem to be understanding the concept. It's the same as getting the flu vax each year. We all know that if you get the flu shot, you're much less likely to get badly sick or spread the flu. If you get the covid shot, you're much less likely to get badly sick or spread the covid. The population should get vaxxed and get away from the masks, but we're all too busy bitching and moaning about it all.
  9. I have 2. They can easily handle wearing a mask because they're not whiny little #######s.
  10. Everyone experienced all of this to various degrees. Some just love to be overly dramatic about it. Saying we were "locked up" is really overstating it. People who say stuff like that were the same ones hoarding toilet paper. The type of people who make a bad situation worse for everyone else.
  11. Everyone who knows how vaccines work would already know this...
  12. They mask up when out public as we've been doing for the past year. How is this that hard?
  13. I never felt locked up, personally. Wore a mask and went about my daily life. But that's a pretty straightforward question. We distanced ourselves to lessen the spread of the virus.
  14. What unintended effects, though? That was the point of what I posted. It lists what the actual concerns are and they don't include any crazy unknown physical effects like all the conspiracy theorists are afraid of. Meanwhile, these same people have no problem with ingesting tons of processed foods, for example, which is so much worse than a vaccine.
  15. Are you concerned about the delivery? That was the problem and by now it's mostly been addressed....obviously. So what are your actual concerns now in 2021?
  16. Exactly. That's why I'm not sure what those who complain about the CDC guidance are expecting. With more of the population getting vaccinated, it's time to start moving away from the masks one way or another. We're hoarding gasoline now.
  17. Honestly though, we don't want vax police, do we? There has to be ambiguity unless we're giving the government some kind of regulatory powers to check vax cards. We definitely don't want that. It's simple: the business sets their policy and the employees adhere to it. You stick to the honor system and live with it. Maybe some get creative with asking for vax cards to confirm, but that doesn't seem business-friendly.
  18. A year, huh.... this was written in 2018, for what it's worth: https://www.nature.com/articles/nrd.2017.243#Tab4
  19. In general, I've always found it easy to root for the NFC North and AFC West.
  20. A lot of people protest without doing much more else towards the cause. Honest people know their limits. Your assertion of what someone else should or should not do seems hypocritical. That's not the only thing that came from Tebow's kneeling. Both acts of kneeling caused a wide range of reactions for different reasons. It's kind of interesting, to me at least, to consider the act and its different meanings when comparing the situations of these two players.
  21. We can only do what we can, right? Is it within Kaep's wheelhouse to be talking to officials? Or is he leaving that part of it in better hands? Honest question because I don't know. Does Tebow talk to officials? Did Tebow's kneeling change anything?
  22. Arizona already has a team...
  23. Of course, most will be. Some people who don't care about the Jags will tune in for a game just to see what Tebow's doing... If a similar situation occurred in Buffalo, there would also be plenty of fans with no interest. Some would even despise the player for it.
  24. They usually do the champ vs one of the other contenders, don't they. Bucs-Bills makes sense and I'm down for it
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