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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. Nothing like relying on social media to reinforce your overreaction. 😆 Twitter is the best, huh. Gotta love it. They call it a "personal echo chamber" for a reason.
  2. I'm not going to assume your intentions, but I recommend reading the actual article and not overreacting to headlines.
  3. This is an amusing little gaming you're playing with yourself. Like Darnold seeing ghosts 😆 I guarantee you didn't read the actual article.
  4. Ummm...I think the Scottish were proud to be anti-government in this scenario. You’re chasing your tail here. Not successfully....semantics.
  5. You seem to be doing loops around the term "anti-government" Talk about semantics...
  6. Would you say the government is doing the oppressing? If yes, then it is anti-government Like William Wallace's famous scream at the end of Braveheart 😆
  7. You all seem to be commenting on a headline without reading the actual article. "Freedom" in this situation seems to be anti-government in Cuba. Are they saying "freedom" is anti-government in the US? I guess context does matter.
  8. Dumb. But that's California. I understand if the teachers feel good about it simply because schools are a petri dish of germs.
  9. The one positive achievement of social media has been the wide distribution of funny things.
  10. She a bit too ripped for my taste, but I wouldn't say no.
  11. Being a distance runner myself, I'm naturally inclined to choose the 1500 or 3000 meter runs. But if I think about everything else that goes along with the Olympic life, I'm choosing swimming. During my training, I'm hanging out at a pool the whole time? What's not to like? Plus, swimmers get a lot of publicity, so you're getting the good marketing deals.
  12. The Olympic Committee are a bunch of dcks.
  13. What am I missing? They're not trans women. They don't have testes.
  14. I love the weekly episodes structure. After the disappointing CA+WS, I'm glad Loki is so good. The finale is going to awesome. Who's in the castle??
  15. I thought it was great for about 75%. The final act felt rushed and just plain goofy. Like they didn't know how to end it, so they just ripped off Alien.
  16. @Big Blitz rants about how social media is a "hostile foreign nation" while at the same time screenshotting and posting a link to Twitter. This is gold.
  17. Yikes I agree with you. I'm not assigning credibility to the article, but Chef asked why it's in this thread. It's obvious why.
  18. I assume it's that he showed support for fascism with his remark about Hitler doing a lot of good things.
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