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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. Okay, gotcha. Definitely worth crying "wolf" about. We know how this goes. It needs to be spelled out. Maybe they need someone to yell it at them from a podium. That seems to get results.
  2. Are they?... https://www.wsj.com/articles/cuba-protests-whats-happening-11626112390 Headline is "What is happening in Cuba? Protests Grow Against the Communist Regime" Making imaginary enemies
  3. It didn't at all. That's called projecting your feelings onto someone else.
  4. Lol You responded to a picture you couldn't even read by immediately freaking the ***** out. Are you okay?
  5. Just imagine the Tweets @B-Man would be copying & pasting after that! I'm going to fantasize about it the rest of the day.
  6. I can only imagine if BLM rioters broke into the White House. Double-standards across alternate realities. Welcome to the multiverse of madness.
  7. Your imaginary enemies. Glad you're now realizing it after our talk yesterday.
  8. @Irv Can you please add "what a mess" to the OP? This doesn't feel right.
  9. And you're doubling down on telling all other double-downers about how they're doubling down. You're really showing them. Good job! @Buffalo Timmyhates juvenile insults, so you're getting on his bad side with this. Watch out.
  10. a.k.a my personal social media echo chamber 😆 Keep repeating yourself. It's gotten you this far.
  11. 1: you're a hypocrite 2: you've made me your imaginary enemy This is, sadly, how it typically goes in a society of people who only read headlines and scream into their personal echo chamber
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