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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. Pushing for that starting spot...........
  2. He's clearly responding to a specific question, but whatever helps you get through this 👍
  3. ** It's right here. <--- Link ** ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The question he responded to is specifically about locker room division.
  4. They certainly have. A PC void of drama and McBeane have seemingly locked in their most controversial player, just like I figured they would. Good leadership on this team. Then I guess you missed the post I linked directly to. I couldn't have made it any easier. Your confusion seems deliberate at this point. 🤷‍♂️
  5. Beasley's statement seems to indicate they've locked it up for now. I guess they're focused on football. 👍
  6. You've been responding specifically to my posts (apparently under the wrong context) not the OP. 🤔 It's okay, but no longer constructive to the point I was making with Wawrow.
  7. Since he was answering a question specifically about the Twitter feud and locker room dynamic, I took it as that. I linked directly to it. If we're just discussing the FO's media strategy now, then we've been successfully sidetracked. 👍
  8. It was his answer to this post. It's specific to the Twitter feud and locker room/team dynamic.
  9. That's cool, but none of this concerns the take I originally bolded in Wawrow's post, which was about the interplayer feud on Twitter and how it will affect the locker room. Asking Cole Beasley to explain himself comes kinda close to that...
  10. A party line is an official stance. It's not possible to have an official stance in this situation. "Focusing on football" and "keeping it in house" are deflections, not party lines. Deflection is their method for controlling the narrative. Just making that clear. I don't think it will be hard for them to start deflecting again. I've never said reporters shouldn't ask questions. I don't think they should ask stupid ones, but it's not a perfect world... The state of the Bills is still to be determined now that they're all back together. I'm not advising against a wait-and-see approach, but my problem since this thread resurfaced is that Wawrow's comments indicate some reporters will push a certain angle, regardless of the answer they get. They won't see it until they believe it...as Mahomes so elegantly put. I believe we're already seeing the Bills come back together and starting to gel again...
  11. Just got around to listening to this. On the first time around I really like "Old Soul"
  12. I would argue that there was never a party line, unless you call focusing on football a party line. What McDermott needs to do is more like controlling a narrative. He can easily do that and get these guys to focus on football. Two questions: 1. Will they make Beasley available to the media? 2. Does Beasley even want to speak to the media? I assume both are a no. This is the take I bolded in the original comment and the only thing I've been arguing is incorrect: "But it's difficult for them to suggest they're keeping it in house based on the back and forth that happened this weekend. It's might be even more difficult to say they're solely focused on football, as Poyer insisted in June." Don't be surprised when they do both: focus on football and keep it in house. And if he can't, Beasley gets cut. It would suck, but the ship isn't changing course for one player. His actions regarding the protocol are the big issue, but it's a pretty straightforward one. Also don't be surprised if one of our respected journalists still writes a speculative article about the turbulence under the surface...
  13. I voted Singletary. It's close. I've been rewatching the whole 2020 season and Singletary stands out more. Gonna be a good camp battle.
  14. I didn't miss that. The players and coaches will probably give a similar answer in the next press conference. I wouldn't take them less seriously now just because one guy slipped up and caused a stir. Writers will spin it whichever way they want until the season starts...or finishes...and we see the results.
  15. Ice thinks Far Behind by Candlebox is the greatest rock song ever.
  16. Multiple goat leotards, apparently... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-9697675/Olympic-gymnast-Simone-Biles-added-bedazzled-goats-leotards-hit-haters.html
  17. Is it possible to have a slapdick emoji as a reaction button on here?
  18. You quoted the wrong person, but fair enough. Let's see how much of a distraction it is when the season is underway. We'll circle back to this. We already know the angle you're going to take, regardless.
  19. He's always looked like he's still growing into his frame.
  20. Seems like a good move. Players should start preparing for their life outside of football on day 1.
  21. I didn't say they shouldn't ask about it. But, like Wawrow says, they'll circle the wagons on the issue. It's incorrect to say it's difficult to suggest they're focused on football now and will tighten up leaks. They can suggest it and totally do it.
  22. I guess you don't subscribe to the notion that it's not much of an issue and won't affect the locker room. However, the players (Cole & Hughes, and others involved) seem to be putting aside their differences and getting ready for football. I understand you're on the defensive here, but my take is not irrational.
  23. I don't agree with this take. Now that they're back in camp, they can say they're solely focused on football and McDermott can lock in Beasley's focus after they personally talk, reestablishing the "in house" protocol. The atmosphere at camp is totally different than on Twitter. Writing a speculative piece on it only serves the purpose of keeping the drama going. Great for reporters. Bad for the team.
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