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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. Don't hold your breath.... they seem reluctant to use Breida. He may not be the player we're imagining. He looked just as slow against the Steelers.
  2. Tre kept engaging after the play was over. He was baited for sure and it'd be nice if the refs caught that, but he’s gotta control his reaction.
  3. Rams getting beat by the Henry-less Titans... Packers OL couldn't hold up against the Chiefs... We're seeing a very competitive league this year.
  4. I'm kinda surprised that was enough to overturn, but it could've gone either way. That kind of penalty goes against the spirit of the rule. Like how they called Milano for a horse collar last week even though he didn't pull backwards and he let go immediately. The spirit of the illegal touching rule is to prevent cheating. The spirit of the horse collar rule is to prevent injury.
  5. So you're specifically talking about the depth on the OLine? They're pretty deep otherwise. I don't think many teams have depth on the Oline. It's hard to find quality starters there as it is. Those two AND Knox. I think the dynamic there is really advantageous for the offense.
  6. He's gonna learn to control it over time, I'm sure. I do think he needs to bring it to the league. He should compile examples from all around the league and send it to them. Start a dialogue (or continue the dialogue, if one's already been started). I watch every game throughout the week on Game Pass and see so many inexcusable dumb calls in real time. I tend to think it's a problem with the "complex vagueness" of the rule book.
  7. I appreciate your contributions to this message board, @Virgil, but this is stupid. This is the best team we've had since the early nineties. They deserve our support more than ever.
  8. Same with Beasley. Dropped an easy 1st down with no one around him. Hit him right in the hands....and then the face. Bills punted after, I believe. The whole team seemed to be under a concentration lapse.
  9. It's not just one week for some people. BIRGing (basking in reflected glory) and CORFing (cutting off reflected failure) are a real thing. If their team wins, it means the fan is a winner. If their team loses, it means the fan is a loser. Notice how he says "the loss is going to haunt me." The fan has to deal with the inner turmoil of a losing mentality regardless of how the team performs. A loss only magnifies it. You should NOT keep watching. STOP watching. That's solid advice. Take it. Focus on positive things and start turning that attitude around.
  10. No, but they just lost Jacksonville's Super Bowl. 0-5....
  11. You're putting more attention on the lows. You came here to shine a LAMP on the board while we're down. That's probably the worst mentality to have as a fan.
  12. Yeah. This is the story of an NFL season, folks. Wins....losses....laughing....crying....glory....shame.
  13. But why? You saying Sammy Watkins was a huge loss? OL has been bad, I assume. Even though @Zerovoltzsaid it was gonna be fine in the preseason. I haven't watched the Chiefs one enough to have a valid opinion.
  14. We can speculate all day about how the Chiefs management handled this with the players, and maybe it impacted them to some extent in the SB. I speculate it has nothing to do with their struggles now, though.
  15. I agree, but it’s also exactly what they were coached to do. We saw in training camp how the DBs were being more aggressive. It's better to play like that and see if they call it than to play soft and give up a play. If the refs end up calling it, then dial it back a bit. Kinda like the old adage "shoot first, ask questions later."
  16. I think it was less of losing his spot and more of taking Ford's spot. I'm sure it was explained to him that they're trying to get the best 5 on the field. I feel obligated to remind everyone every week that Joe B has no idea what he's talking about.
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