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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. He made the right call in that on initially and then was overturned. That game also included the stupid blind side block though, iirc.
  2. This is the Houston playoff game guy who called the end zone fumble correctly and then was overturned by the Men in Black, right?
  3. That's considerably below their season average, for everyone's reference: https://www.pro-football-reference.com/years/2021/rushing_advanced.htm Pro football reference has Motor at 2.8 and Moss at 1.6.
  4. He should be making heads role like there can only be one
  5. People calling for McDermott's head are the best.
  6. I was looking for Christopher Lambert actually.
  7. People have always said he's good at the business side of things, so... Just keep him away from the actual football stuff....and people.
  8. They took advantage sometimes. That Beasley drop really sticks out. Right in the middle of the field on 3rd down with no one around him. Ugh. Number 2 speaks to how bad the OL was, but with all the attention on the OL I feel like we need to highlight Josh's tendency to hold the ball too long in this game. He had plenty of clean pockets, but I found myself getting frustrated that he wouldn't let it loose. I'm not sure if it was something else the Jags were doing in coverage.
  9. I knew it was a remake, but I just learned it was first written in 1961. Seems like the wrong decade for a depressing song like that. The late 90s was the perfect time for Pearl Jam to take advantage, lol.
  10. I don't think they use him enough, to be honest. Stop subbing RBs. Just run Singletary into the ground.
  11. Todd Gurley is still available....
  12. Nice write-up. Over the past two weeks I keep telling myself "defense wins championships." I'm glad the Bills are slumping now and not playoff time. They should bounce back and hopefully ride some momentum into the playoffs.
  13. I agree. I don't see anyone describing that as momentum. I guess you could describe it as backwards momentum, if you wanted to.
  14. Has he explained why he declined that? I haven't watched the presser yet. I thought it was weird at the time. And then thought maybe he didn't want to risk giving them another play while their kicker has been struggling. Might as well guarantee 4th down and let the kicker try. Coaches are overthinking it at this point, in my opinion. Kick it early. Go for it late. Ride the momentum.
  15. I could be wrong, but I don't think they suspend after the 1st offense. It takes repeated offenses, maybe within a certain time period.
  16. Oh, they're "fixing" this part of the sport alright. *wink*wink*
  17. Yeah. My brother reminded me today that this was the same starting OL as last year. Minus Boettger though, I think. I'm not against pointing the finger at the coaching.
  18. Communication. I was talking about this with someone else after the Miami game last week. The Bills OL often seems to fail in communicating.
  19. Yes And Josh should've handed it to Motor today on the option, but instead tried to do too much and fumbled.
  20. Motor and Moss are great at fighting for extra yards. I don't think you can honestly knock them on that.
  21. This is partly why I don't sweat the losses as much as I used to.
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