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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. Ah, that makes sense. That seems like a bold move. It's surprising, or not I guess, to see him do that unless he has some kind of leverage.
  2. It really makes no difference to me. I just want to watch the world burn.
  3. Why do we assume he's acting without the consent of the other owners? The article says that if he can settle on his own, it could give them leverage to end the case. In that scenario any other costs could be spread out, but would be less for the other owners. Also, they'd essentially get away scott free in terms of judicial terms... That sounds good for the rest of the owners, unless I'm misunderstanding.
  4. That'd be awesome, but I'd be extremely surprised since they don't have Patterson or Ridley to help.
  5. It's so confusing, I know... They are pretty accurate and I acknowledged their accuracy. But their intent is to undermine Chad Hall's claim. You clearly had an issue with it, despite your claim to the contrary.
  6. It's really all about uniforms. During McDermott's tenure the Bills are 2-1 against the Colts. The 2 times the Bills beat the Colts, the Colts were wearing their all-white uniforms. The 1 loss was when the Colts were in blue tops. Well, guess what....the Colts are wearing their all-whites again....
  7. Your first 3 sentences in that post seem very critical with the intent to undermine his claim. How else do you expect people to take it? It's obvious that you have an issue with it. To be clear, his claim also comes off as disingenuous to me. I was enlisted AF for 7 years, 1 in reserve, and was around plenty of 2Lts. I know none of them truly lead anything, lol. Granted, I don't doubt that a guy like Chad Hall probably stood out amongst his peers and may have been more apt for leadership roles. That said, if you were just curious, you could've simply said something like "how did he get out after only 2 years?" Or "I wonder if he had to be on reserve status for a while?"
  8. Agreed! I've done his Gladiator Rock 'n' Run a few times and it's a blast. Everyone gets a free beer after the run.
  9. Life isn't fair... Most officers think they're more important than they really are 😉
  10. Hear me out... They should sign Phillip Lindsay and convert him to slot receiver.
  11. If the coach/GM have to ask him to get off social media, then it obviously bothers them. Not the covid stuff specifically, but just being a negative distraction in general.
  12. Is that the most classic example of cronyism? Worse than Rex hiring his brother.
  13. I think even if they want to go heavy to stop the run we'd see more 5-2 before we see 4-3.
  14. That's 4-2-5, which the Bills have used often with Neal. Instead of "run and stop the run", McDermott's philosophy seems to be "pass and stop the pass." That's why 4-3 hasn't really factored into their system as much.
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