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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. Do you think baseball is as versatile as football?
  2. Why are they playing the "Curb Your Enthusiasm" music while Susie describes Allen's accomplishments?
  3. Yeah, I said that in my original post, dick. Thanks for proving once again that you're "that guy."
  4. Different strokes. For some people, a little precip, wind, and crispness in the air gets them a little more pumped. It's not wrong. You have to admit though, that football is the one major sport you can play in all types of weather (aside from rugby, if you consider they a major sport) When it gets too bad for other sports, it's still football weather.
  5. Okay, I can see your point there. Although, I've heard "great day for football" in all types of weather, sunny + 60 included.
  6. If I'm understanding you correctly, this is false. People are just embracing ALL types of weather. Football is absolutely an outdoor sport.
  7. Absolutely my feelings as well. This is football.
  8. Valid period was 00Z to 24Z. FM "from" 1900 until the end of the valid period, genius. Don't try to explain something you clearly don't understand. But we all know you will because you're "that guy."
  9. I guess they have it in the NFL app and I can watch because I have game pass. The wind is wreaking havoc on the mic.
  10. Right, so the valid time at the top is just irrelevant. When I did these forecasts I did them for a 24 hour period as accurately as possible, like we're supposed to. But they're done every 8 hours and amended in between for accuracy because high accuracy is important (like you said.) You're a fun dude. And also wrong. You tried to correct something that didn't need correcting because you're "that guy."
  11. KBUF 062214Z 0622/0718 25022G34KT 2SM -SN BKN025 FM062300 25024G38KT P6SM VCSH BKN035 FM070200 26018G28KT P6SM BKN040 FM070800 27015KT P6SM SCT040 44 mph at game time, decreasing to 32 mph. Windy as hell. Vicinity showers. @sherpaplease check my work. Not that I have to ask...
  12. You don't hate it. You love it. Although, it seems like you didn't look at the valid time. 0624z. Tafs cover a 24 hour period.
  13. Can't wait to see tomorrow's KBUF TAF. Current one still has gusts at 50+ mph through the end of the forecast (7pm local), just before game time. No precip. KBUF 052347Z 0600/0624 10012KT P6SM BKN050 WS020/18040KT FM060200 15014G22KT 6SM -RA BKN035 WS020/18050KT FM060600 18020G34KT 6SM -RA BR SCT025 OVC035 WS015/19050KT FM060900 19022G32KT P6SM OVC035 FM061200 19016G26KT 6SM -SHRA BR OVC025 FM061600 23020G36KT P6SM VCSH SCT015 OVC025 FM061900 25025G46KT P6SM BKN035
  14. Seriously, though. Maybe not easy, but this team is built to beat the Pats.
  15. So cliché... not these Chiefs. It's 10-3. Could be 10-6. Oh boy.
  16. Agreed. Analytics are causing coaches to overthink it. It took you 6 minutes to get all the way down the field. You pooped the bed on 3rd down. Kick the ***** FG.
  17. My wife is asking me why I'm hanging the stockings outside...
  18. Do people in the real world actually buy Lexus cars as Christmas presents and put a bow on top?
  19. This is an awesome drive by Denver. Please end it with a TD.
  20. I think he's plenty physical. He's surprised me with how well he's holding up in run defense when his draft profile basically read as "raw pass rusher." It will be exciting to see him take the next step towards becoming a full time starter. Epenesa and Oliver too. Very physical guys. But they do need more heft on the line, imo.
  21. You don't think Diggs is a "full out stud?" Is this the first time you've heard of Antonio Brown?
  22. It may have already started with Spencer Brown.... Also Groot...
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