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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. It's fine with me as long as context and body language make it clear what the director is trying to get across. I think it's relatively easy to do that for a director like Spielberg. I'm not going to question his decisions in that regard. But I find it sort of funny, from that article, that the Spanish community and deaf community are going back and forth about how great or terrible it is respectfully. Spanish people want to use it to take a dig at "white" people and are meanwhile potentially insulting deaf people.... 🙄
  2. I'm gonna start calling Josh "A-Bomb"
  3. I believe their "disconnect" goes back to last year. McD has said as much when the struggles started this season. This could end up being the nail in the coffin for the aforementioned offensive coaches, but there are still 5 games to be played, plus playoffs possibly.... 🙏🏻
  4. It's "the pattern".... this thread is all about the pattern... but actually I was wrong. I thought NE was after TB. In fact, Carolina comes after TB, so... TB: W Car: L NE: W....
  5. So....we're gonna beat TB and then lose again to NE. Great. Who has the remote? Let's fast forward. Seriously, though, there's gotta be a way out right? Is this just the mid-season struggle? Are they gonna go on a win streak now and carry positive momentum into the playoffs?
  6. • If there was a serious injury the refs should've blown the play dead immediately - without seeing/knowing what happened, Dodson may have not gone down right after the previous play. We can't assume he was down with injury for 30 secs before the refs stopped the clock. He may have been standing hurt while the the Pats were milking clock before going down. If the refs left 30+ seconds on the clock at the end of the game, it's a safe bet we'd see McDermott in their ear about it. What we actually saw was McDermott yelling at his coaches, which is more indicative of your next point.... • If it was a minor injury the Bills players/coaches should've been smart enough to know the player had to limp off (or carried off by teammates) to avoid a 4th timeout and subsequent runoff after the play clock reset - Yes, I agree that's what they should do. • If there was an injury there's a mistake in either the boxscore or by the announcers. Unless both Dodson and Milano were both hurt at the same time - Yes. I assume the commentators just got the name wrong. They do it all the time. So there's nothing worth pointing to as fishy. I don't think so. The pass was behind Davis and short. It was hard to tell if it was a miscommunication with Beasley or if he was trying to get it to Davis and the wind killed it.
  7. McD doesn't design the offensive plays. I think it's pretty clear that McD communicates the kind of identity/mentality/scheme he wants the coordinators to install. Then he empowers those coaches to decide how to do it. If you have a problem with the specific plays, e.g. "1yrd runs up the middle," that is all Daboll. Defense is probably a different story, but it's been obvious when McDermott has gotten more involved in the past, like taking play calling duties from Frazier. It's no mystery.
  8. What's fishy? Are you implying that the NFL, coaches, and ESPN are all in on the fix? Just because they didn't show it, doesn't mean it didn't happen. At the end of the game I'm pretty sure McD would notice unjustly losing 30+ seconds.
  9. It's not a "phantom" injury if Dodson actually went down. And it depends on when he went down. After he goes down, they have to run down the clock further, according to the rules. So none of this indicates anything fishy occurred. If it was fishy, then we probably would've seen McDermott yelling at the refs again. Instead, we saw him yelling at his own coaches.
  10. I remember it came up in the Titans game because McD's challenge record is pretty terrible, while Vrabel's is pretty good. Although I hated the challenge at the time, hearing McD explain why he was comfortable rolling the dice there made sense to me. In the moment I certainly thought Jones was short when they blew the whistle. If it was overturned, it would've been valuable for the Bills to have an extra drive going with the wind.
  11. I didn't like it, but I don't think that was an error. It was inside 2 minutes and the Bills had no timeouts right? Also, was Milano even injured? I'm pretty sure he was in on the next play. What even happened?
  12. Yeah, it's disappointing. But Josh is still one of the few QBs I want in that situation. It's not like that competitive edge has been forced out of him. The whole offense needs to figure it out. Seriously, that was so frustrating.
  13. And McKenzie tripping and fumbling without even being touched is about as bush league as it gets for a returner. I'll concede that McDermott is human and extremely frustrated after that loss and that will probably show through in his words. While McKenzie is sad that McD doesn't trust him, I'm sure Hyde is happy that McD does trust him. .... and the world keeps on turning.
  14. It was windy, but even the Monday Night Countdown crew was smart enough to realize that you could still throw slant passes. The Bills have the personnel to dink and dunk the Pats to death just like they've done to the Bills for the past 20 years. Diggs, Beasley, Sanders... come on!
  15. Disagree. My god in heaven, the coach gave a straight answer! Have we not seen the fumbles by McKenzie and Stevenson? Are we ***** blind? In a potentially wet and windy game that's likely going to be decided by one score, McD should absolutely put someone back there who he trusts.
  16. I liked it, but it was too little too late. The Bills should've gone into that game saying "we're gonna play OUR game, feed the ball to OUR best players, and impose OUR will." Instead, they tried playing the Pats' game and fed the ball to their worst players (RBs), and were imposed upon. I was saying in the shout box before halftime that they need to open it up and it took them until the end of the 3rd ***** quarter. McD has a certain "identity" in mind for the team, but they are not personifying it. It starts from the top.
  17. I'm starting to wonder if people actually listen to the press conference before commenting. This is an incredibly consistent briefing by McD. Puts a ton of blame on himself AND calls out problem areas. Damned if you do; damned if you don't with fans and media. 🙄
  18. Disagree. On a windy day where the ball is moving around a lot, McKenzie and Stevenson are absolute liabilities out there and we all know it.
  19. Yeah, I mean if the Bills could've actually scored, Jones would've been forced to pass. Pats would've been dead. Alas, Belichick maintained the strategic advantage.
  20. Nice write-up, as always. This game was really frustrating to watch, obviously. I thought they took way too long to open up the offense. They didn't make then necessary adjustments until late in the 3rd quarter. To your point about McD, he does get into with players and coaches, but I think he's always had more of a mindset that you have to treat these guys as adults, not scold them like kids. If he's gonna yell at coaches, it's going to be behind closed doors. We saw in this game McD talk to Milano during the entire break before the Bills' red zone stop at the start of the 4th quarter. That was when Milano made those two great stops where he shot through the line and stuffed Stevenson in the backfield. So that stop is all credit to McDermott directly coaching his defense. I think he does what he needs to do in game, but I do agree that this team does not seem mentally ready for the big game. McD has to find a way to instill the right mentality. I think there's a very good chance they have two new coordinators in 2022. I'm pretty tired of Daboll's one dimensional offense and the OL coaching.
  21. Oh, look. It's an internet tough guy responding 3 months later....
  22. It's not diminished nearly as greatly as basketball on an ice rink or baseball in a blizzard. The answer is "no" baseball is not as versatile as football.
  23. Whatever, that game was so ***** exciting, lol. Different strokes. But it's the only sport that can still be played in that weather. Able to be played effectively in any type of conditions.
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