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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. Something happened at halftime in the Tampa game. We all kept wondering when the turning point would be, saying things like "that loss was a wake up call." Turned out that the wake up call was just that half of a game and they found clarity in the locker room within 15 minutes. Pedal to the metal.
  2. I'm loving Harry, but I don't think this is true. Harry doesn't have the physical talent Kyle had. I think a better comparison to Kyle is Justin Zimmer, physically anyway.
  3. The guy is not doing TV. I could see him writing a few books though, post retirement. He might already have a book out, I forget.
  4. It's more on the Bills because they were in the AFCCG last year. I'd say there's still just as much pressure on Belichick individually. He has to get over the post-Brady hump. If the Bills embarass them, then he's on the hot seat for Kraft, considering the well-known fact that Kraft wanted to keep Brady.
  5. When in doubt, go with the Filthy take. You can thank me later. That was with the wind, Scotty. He was actually completely safe back there, either letting it die or catching the bounce and running. He made perfect decisions. Something I don't trust McKenzie or Stevenson to do.
  6. It's only a mistake when Josh plays well and is calm, cool, and collected. Content to take what's given.
  7. In game 2, he did exactly what everyone else does to try to beat Josh. Get after him with 4 and flood the zones. Josh can beat it every time if he just calms down... If they start blitzing, I would think the Bills can easily counter that. Run effectively, move the pocket...oh, and use McKenzie on those easy sweeps! While Belicheat will have something up his sleeve, I guarantee McD will too.
  8. Don't let Josh off the bus.... Well...it's at home so....put Josh on a bus and then don't let him off.
  9. Absolutely. Been saying for a couple weeks that KC has a good chance of losing in the first round. This isn't even close to the championship caliber KC teams. They just look good now compared to what they looked like early in the year. I'm hoping they execute the same game plan that the Colts did against the Bills in last year's wild card game. I think Ben can succeed in that scenario where Rivers couldn't.
  10. I'll be there. I have to travel cross-country, but that doesn't stop me either. 😁
  11. "Kick it early, go for it late." Tried and true. 🙂 I think it certainly has gone too far with the amount of coaches going for 4th early in the game. It's really about whether or not you have the momentum. For instance, if your team just easily drove down the field in 10 plays and now it's 4th and goal, then go for it. You also have to consider how good your red zone offense is. However, if your team has struggled to get down the field and now it's 4th and short at the 35, take the field goal or try to pin them deep. If you wanna go for it, how good is your OL and RB? These decisions are pretty easy if you have your finger on the pulse of the game and your team, but too often we're seeing coaches go for it despite the factors I mentioned being unfavorable at the time. And I assume it's simply because "analytics said so."
  12. He literally said "this will be a game they talk about for the next 25 years." Lol, what an idiot.
  13. Great write-up l, as always. In regards to not running enough in the middle quarters, I think Josh has more control over this offense than we may realize. He's throwing because he wants to throw. The Bills ARE dominant. They've dominated a lot of the time this year. Top 5 offense and defense. Certain things weren't, like their red zone offense. But they figured it out in the 2nd half of the Tampa game and went on to dominate the rest of the season. I think they'll continue in the playoffs.
  14. Yes on the run defense. No on the red zone offense. They already fixed that. Don't know what they did, but they turned the page in the 2nd half of the Tampa game. I doubt there's really a way to fix the run defense at this point, except to just stay disciplined. Don't give up the big plays.
  15. He's fine enough to get them to 9-7... they'd be SB contenders if they had a real QB. This will be Reich's downfall. Not having a franchise guy. But he absolutely loves Wentz. Edit: likely 9-8. And they've kind of gotten there in spite of him.
  16. Now we get to listen to Steve Levy yell at us for 60 minutes.
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