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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. Oh, the Dolphins put everyone through that ringer and out popped the shiny pearl named Adam Gase! What a story! I can hear Stephen Ross now: "Adam, how dedicated to coaching are you?" Gase: "I sleep in my office, sir!" Ross: "Hot dang, you're our man!"
  2. No, it's like interviewing for shift manager at Timmy Ho's after you've already worked there for 10 years.
  3. Yep. Chiefs fans are like the sore ex-girlfriend you dated for a week, but sends you texts trying to win you back that make it sound like you were madly in love. "Cherish this.... don't throw away what we have.... this could be the most important decision of your life...." B word, please.
  4. Yep. Like the Bills in 3 more Super Bowls in the 90s. More pressure and talk of choking each time. The Bills have already been to the AFCCG too, though. This is a quality opponent, but it isn't "the biggest game."
  5. Stop trying to be a real person in our lives, OJ! You're just a great running back who died 30 years ago! RIP
  6. I view this as a parity thing. Like bad teams getting to draft first, they also get a shot at coaches first....potentially. It really is what they make of it. The well-run organizations will likely continue to do well with their front office acquisitions. Just another reason this is a whole nothing-burger to me.
  7. Hey guys, if you actually know what it's like to prepare for a serious interview, it's actually super seriously hard. I just want everyone in this thread to know this. Super hard and actually really seriously. Trust me.
  8. The classic sports complex (i.e. "BIRGing" and "CORFing") I try to never say "we" when talking about the Buffalo Bills in ANY situation. Their success is not my success and their failure is not my failure. I do not reflect them nor do they reflect me. We're just a part of the same ecosystem.
  9. Gotta give Henry the benefit of the doubt. I'm giving this one to the Titans. The Bengals are good, but they're inexperienced in this situation. They're about to find out what playoff football really is.
  10. That rule change proposal is all about fairness in regards to those openings closing up before the playoffs are done. Clearly by McD's quotes in that article, the team and the game come first. If these guys couldn't handle it, then they wouldn't do the interview, plain and simple. And sidebar: if a team can't wait for a solid candidate, then they're not interested enough in the first place and probably not worth it. That's like Texans-level inadequacy. And side-sidebar: if you're an assistant coach aspiring to be a head coach, you've already had talks with your family and they're all bought in to certain openings. That or you're inputting an opt-out clause à la Doug Marrone.
  11. Overpreparation and dramitization are definitely a thing. I'll give you that. I mean, these guys were preparing for interviews that took place the day after the Pats game, but they somehow managed to whoop the Pats up and down the field. I think it has little to no effect.
  12. So you think they're preparing for every game 24/7 and had no extra time devoted to interview prep? Or family discussions? It was 24/7/365 game prep?
  13. It affects 12 players of all the players remaining in the playoffs, so whatever. These policies have been arbitrary from the start. Never made sense to me.
  14. Gailey had the same reputation. More from less. Would you not want Josh in Gailey's offense?
  15. It may. It would have to be a good fit, personality wise. I don't think there would be a passing game coordinator in this scenario, though. That's Josh at this point. Despite Roman's apparent limitations, his offenses put up good numbers and get to Super Bowls when paired with a great head coach and defense. The Bills have those along with the franchise QB.
  16. Why do people act like the coaches are preparing for the Chiefs 24/7? Do we really think they have absolutely NO time to fit in a video interview? The "distraction" complaint is way overblown.
  17. Most Bills fans probably feel that way, but it's an overreaction IMO. Roman wouldn't be developing Josh. He'd give Josh a consistent running game, though.
  18. Belichick didn'tbow off McD. They shook hands and said a quick word. It's pretty standard. People are so dramatic.
  19. He has a great system for mobile QBs. Did well with Kaepernick too. I kind of like the idea of Roman paired with Josh Allen. The run game would always be on point, while Josh at this stage can essentially run the passing game on his own.
  20. You're not describing "pure" football. You're describing sterilized football.
  21. Retractable roofs are for hot climates where you need the stadium to be closed and air conditioned for most of the year. Domes are also truly meant for hot climates, not cold. If you close your retractable roof because of a blizzard, well then you just have a bunch of snow on top of your (now non-) retractable roof and it's a huge pain in the ass. If they really wanted to (and didn't mind spending the money) a clear ETFE plastic roof or canopy, like the one in Minnesota, is the more elegant solution in a cold climate.
  22. It's pretty clear that the owner does not want the Texans to be good. Content to make a nice profit while keeping the seasons short. This is a business model most teams go through at various times.
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