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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. Am I missing something? This is just someone playing a video game in a dirty apartment.
  2. That's weird. Was it actually deleted or is it a bug of some sort? I'm all for it. Simultaneous release on streaming and in theaters is the way to go.
  3. I don't think investors are looking at population growth by 10 year increments.
  4. Justin Zimmer was limited athletically? Craziest thing I've seen since Putin invaded Ukraine.
  5. Yeah, they should commit to the whole gimmick. Build a stadium downtown and call it "The Field of Dreams." Kevin Costner will lead the charge on opening day.
  6. That would be great, but I just think you have it backwards. You build a stadium there because of the area. You don't build up the area because of the stadium. The way you describe it is putting the cart before the horse. Buffalo metro has a declining population. It's not a growing entertainment district.
  7. Seriously. Why does DC suck so bad.. Joker was awesome and it seems The Batman achieves the same tone and will have similar success...but they don't connect the two.... talk about a wasted opportunity.
  8. My feelings as well. Jameson in rd1 or Jahan after rd 1.
  9. Yeah, I remember Dunne being a pretty good writer for the Bills but he hasn't been a neutral voice for a while now.
  10. A dead area is a dead area. It needs year-round entertainment to thrive, not a stadium.
  11. Been saying for years that they need to measure grip strength and not hand size.... so basic.
  12. I'm starting to come around to him
  13. It says they met about it, but apparently the meeting didn't go well. FOX knows they have no legal standing and it seems like the original owners overplayed their hand. Now this is their last ditch effort to force FOX into giving them something.
  14. I understand he's a great player and from WNY, but honestly, ***** him.
  15. I wanted him in the draft, which means the Bills will probably sign him once he's ready to retire...
  16. I think people hate him more for his dirty hit on Tre. And his douchebagginess.
  17. I don't think WW3 is in Putin's hands. I think WW3 only happens if the west wants it to. We'll let Putin take Ukraine in order to prevent that. But it's a slippery slope. Seems like China would feel better targeting SE Asia countries at this point. I think it's ultimately more accurate to say WW3 is in China's hands.
  18. I don't believe in magic, just that the logo has always been poorly designed.
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