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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. Not even clicking on that bait. I assume it's based on some kind of advanced metric they made up?
  2. I honestly think they would still win the division with Case Keenum.
  3. He's obviously not fully committed to this relationship and it hurts my heart.
  4. I'd say he lucked out. The Cowboys are consistently way overrated and have McCarthy at HC.
  5. Woah.... keep Doug Legursky out your DAMN MOUTH!
  6. Byrd has a great highlight reel of INTs, but I'm not sure I'd want him to replace Hyde or Poyer. There were plenty of winners on those teams that would fit right in with the process.
  7. Plus the grittiness and leadership. He wouldn't be my first choice, but I would love to have Fred on this team.
  8. Oh, I gotta check this out. I replay Planet Earth often.
  9. Agreed. He definitely won't resign. He's way too young.
  10. It's a wall of FAME. Fitz is one of the most FAMOUS Bills.
  11. CB until Tre gets back. RG/RT Punter These aren't huge concerns, though.
  12. Groots stature is looking more and more like Mario Williams.
  13. Sounds like he's trying to recruit members into the He-Man Woman Haters Club
  14. You are out there right now, man. I do share your dislike for social media, though...no matter how many Bills-related video clips it provides me.
  15. To add to this, I don't think tennis has actively recruited the top athletes to play in the sport. In other sports like football and basketball, the top athletes are recruited and actually paid by the best high schools and colleges. I often hear about an NFL player's rough upbringing, but then see that he went to a super rich prep school with the best football team in the state. It wasn't paid for by his parents, that's for sure. I could be wrong, but I don't think that occurs as much within tennis, so it tends to remain more accessible to the rich.
  16. Did you yell it in a high-pitched squeal? Because that's the only way to do it.
  17. Isn't Disney World where dreams come true? Florida has that too. What a place.
  18. Don't bring a dull knife to a horn fight?
  19. I guess I've always just viewed the hat as a hat. It doesn't distinguish them from any other joe schmoe cowboy. Troopers wear cowboy hats, too. The uniform is a whole 'nother thing. Also, were the Rangers even there with the group that waited to go into the school?
  20. They're gonna be overheated by those silly suits. Just sayin!
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