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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. It's not just him. A bunch of people on here are the exact same way. Just a bunch hypocrisy, self righteousness, insecurity, and hate. This place is a stinky, buggy, moldy swamp. It's really tough just to read the conversations, let alone try to participate.
  2. Why don't you just interact like a normal person? This place would be so much more tolerable.
  3. From what I've read, there is video content/testimony from both sides that hasn't been shown to the public yet. And isn't their goal to bring different charges to Trump and/or stop him from being able to run again for president? It seems like there's definitely a pending outcome here that's different than the impeachment trials.
  4. How many watched the impeachment trials? What are we comparing viewership to? TBH, I haven't watched either. I tend to read about this stuff on my free time, not watch it on a scheduled time.
  5. Can't say I disagree. The options in the 2020 election were not good. If 2024 is Biden vs Trump again, we should all collectively shoot ourselves.
  6. Irony ☝🏻️ This post seems self-righteous and weirdly prideful over something so despicable.
  7. I agree, but this isn't a documentary. It's an actual film he started 30 years ago. He shelved it after Jurassic Park came out, but then finally completed it. Yeah, I haven't been too impressed with these movies, besides the cool special effects.
  8. Yeah, I remember seeing a preview or teaser back then and had since totally forgot about it.
  9. $96 for 17 gallons... yeesh. And that was the cheapest station in my vicinity.
  10. That wouldn't, unfortunately. The system is broken and it's not going to get better. We're headed towards a corporate republic one way or another, IMO. The sad part is that it's not hard to understand anymore. This is the reality we live in. Or should I say the many realities we interact with. This is how the machines take over the human race... 😉
  11. You just can't help yourself. Holy *****.
  12. Really interested in Mad God by Phil Tippett, stop motion horror/sci fi movie, with limited release in theaters and Shutter.
  13. Somewhat interested in all but not super interested in any. Ethan Hawke and Jeremy Davies is a great combo, though.
  14. He's probably doing stuff that he could delegate to someone else, but he wants it done his own way. And it may actually help him get more sleep and exercise to do so at the office, rather than drive home and back the next morning. They also have the nice gym at the facility. I don't think this puts such a toll on the coach the way some people here are saying it does.
  15. Because McCarthy's agent pays PFF a higher subscription fee.
  16. Reality seems to have proven this wrong. Josh has become one of the best QBs under a defensive-minded HC. Because the truth is that a HC's schematic background doesn't matter at all.
  17. Years later we find out that Terrance's last name is actually Graylord.
  18. Yeah, the real-life versions of this situation already happen. We've seen all of these coaches succeed and fail with average rosters. Or maybe PFF should just host a Madden tournament with all the coaches?
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