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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. Thanks for the summary. So many posters in here are offended by straight up testimony from people who were actually there and directly involved. Isn't this the testimony you should want to hear? Straight from the horse's mouth, not from some social media warrior.
  2. The consensus idea seems to be that they'll send out pics of the design by the end of camp. Probably will get leaks earlier, but I'm sure the Bills have a time-frame in mind for maximum hype prior to the season.... Shovels break ground sometime in 2023 with construction finished by 2026, as far as I've seen. Could be wrong.
  3. Took me a sec to realize who the CEO of BioSyn really was, and then they showed the Barbasol can. That was cool. The raptor stuff was so dumb. The dino with the long claws was legitimately scary and it would've been nice to see more of that. It could be the antagonist of its own movie.
  4. If the new stadium is a straight up gothic cathedral complete with stained glass windows and gargoyles, I will not be disappointed.
  5. I assume the threats were from other Neo Nazis? They're not "back the blue" types, although they may act like it as a front.
  6. This seems like the super easy, cut-and-dry solution to me. If you end up changing sex and getting hormone therapy, that's on you. You still have to compete in the same group as before or don't compete at all.
  7. No one has said not to ask questions. We should always be questioning the odd shapes and lights we see in the sky as well. 👽
  8. It's fundamentally sound and logical. If you were living back then, would you be arguing against muskets and that citizens should only be allowed to buy swords?
  9. ☝️Look at the people still jumping to conclusions without even asking an actual officer... When officers detained people during the pandemic, do you think they unmasked them? Does an officer need to remove a camelback full of water? Things to ponder, I guess... @Doc I've never seen you and @B-Man in the same place at the same time... conspiracy?
  10. The cops can have a Ford Crown Victoria or a Chevy Silverado. I can have a Chevy Corvette or an F150 Raptor.
  11. You're fine to ask questions. But what you actually did is create a whole made-up scenario in your mind about the circumstances around the stop/search of the UHaul in order to support your theory of a conspiracy. That's the definition of mental gymnastics. It's like a Bills Fan believing Jalen Wydermyer will become their next starting TE and then building the scenario in their mind that would allow that future to come true. You have to do a lot of mental gymnastics to come up with that scenario.
  12. The UK is pretty dense. It's also 40 times smaller in land area than the US.
  13. Sure, I myself am open to all sorts of things. Some of these Neo-Nazis could actually belong to a race of aliens wearing human skin suits, just sabotaging our societal and governmental systems at every turn, weakening us ahead of their impending global invasion.
  14. You've never been to any country in southern Europe, I assume. Or even a city like London. I mean, I agree that we're a very free and inclusive society. One of the best. It's just a misrepresentation to label every other society below ours. I think that's a very self-righteous tendency for some people or they simply haven't physically ventured out to other countries enough to know better. Demographic variety is just one factor contributing to our collective mentality. I'm really not sure if it helps or hurts the US in this case.
  15. It seems like you're doing a lot of mental gymnastics here. The police were tipped off and stopped the Uhaul.
  16. The tactics are completely different. Certain tactics are legal and others are not. It's like the rules of engagement in a conflict. The goal is the same, but if you use certain tactics, then you will be charged with war crimes afterwards. What do you thik?
  17. I can believe they are really stupid. I see people doing really stupid stuff every day. It's not all a setup. From what I've read, this is a common tactic for this group. I'm curious about why you think traveling in a Uhaul is conspicuous. Does every Uhaul you see make you think a group of Neo-Nazis are in the back? I tend to thing there's just a load of someone's belongings and furniture in the back.
  18. 100%. Game changer. This is a stretch. All you have to do is travel around the world a bit to see many countries are the same or even more inclusive than our own.
  19. I think protesting at entry points is much different than storming the building. What do you think?
  20. This is true. Not sure what it has to do with our conversation, though.
  21. Are you not rushing to judgement here? You and others in this thread seem to be leaning towards believing the idea of a conspiracy instead of taking the facts of the story, and Idaho law, at face value.
  22. So they've succeed in causing you to not trust your law enforcement officers. Great...
  23. If they had an actual grenade, though... and an outlined plan for using it... that's something. It reads like they had the plans printed out and with them in the truck. Probably not the best idea...
  24. https://www.thedailybeast.com/white-supremacists-from-patriot-front-detained-en-masse-near-idaho-pride-event https://legislature.idaho.gov/statutesrules/idstat/title18/t18ch64/sect18-6402/ I doubt these guys get charged with anything. They were simply stopped. Officers are right to do that.
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