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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. He tagged us because we live rent free in his head. The guy wakes up angry. His very first post yesterday was an angry outburst calling people morons. No one had even spoke to him yet.
  2. Yeah, I feel like it's too late. I should just leave it be.
  3. And a hotness minimum. Only 7s or above, based on social media polling.
  4. There's still plenty of weekend left. Don't jinx it.
  5. https://www.usnews.com/news/top-news/articles/2022-06-25/pro-life-is-not-just-opposing-abortion-vatican-says-after-u-s-ruling
  6. I knew it. Phew! Another insurrection that really wasn't.
  7. Someone kicked the door, but who knows. Could've just been the FBI tryin to stir ***** up again. Gotta check the memos first.
  8. That's an interesting way to look at it.
  9. I can believe it. It seems really weird to say on purpose. But who knows. People are crazy. It seems like @gobills404 criticized the post without listening to the clip maybe?
  10. The only way to arm them would be through genetic modification. I don't think anyone is there yet. Yes, I'm taking this super serious.
  11. "..historic victory for white life..."? Sure, it's not negative. But it's very weird, wouldn't you say?
  12. I enjoyed talking with him too, as a matter of fact, whenever I was in here, which wasn't a lot. His meltdown was a bit of a surprise to me, tbh. He always seemed pretty level-headed when I engaged with him, anyway. Yeah, I mean we're watching it right here ☝🏻️ Side note: is it fair to say Joe Biden lives in your head? You post all the time in that other thread about his dementia, which I admit is funny at times. But then the other day you literally asked why no one was responding. Like you were begging for attention. That's weird behavior, right?
  13. Go ahead and keep your screen name the way it is. It's doing wonders for you. It's really great.
  14. And thus, DR still lives in your head as much as those you call out. You do seem like the kind of person to start a LAMP. I say do what your heart tells you.
  15. Talk about torqued. You get as torqued as anyone on here, man. I put you in the same category of poster as BillStime, B-Man, Tiberius... very much alike all of you are.
  16. What other poster was such a prolific contributor and then got booted in such a fashion? He's worth remembering. But in this case, it's still a bit hypocritical for @DRsGhostghost to point it out while egging it on. He's like the FBI of the PPP.
  17. Uh, no. That would be incredibly dumb. These are pro football teams, not abortion clinics. I hate how we call on these massive companies to take a stand for us. They are not our moral north star. I just want the Buffalo Bills to play football, Disney to give me movies, and McDonald's to give me burgers.
  18. I remember my first time in the PPP...
  19. Says the guy who changed his screen name to DR...
  20. My post was sarcasm aimed at DR/BillsfanNYC or whoever that is.
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