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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. These are super light material, super breathable jerseys. The fact that blue reflects a little less sunlight than white has next to zero effect on professional athletes. Mental, if anything, but if that gets into your head enough to affect your game, then you're not that good anyway.
  2. I say yes. The Bills are gonna come out with a script they've cooked up that will have a high chance of scoring. Why make it easy by letting them start on the 25 yard line or better. Take your chance at getting them behind in score or at least make it harder by trying to pin them deep and control the field position. If you do well enough to still be in the game at half time, it probably doesn't really matter who starts the 3rd. Stick with the game plan that's working.
  3. I like the NFCN rivalries, personally
  4. Yep. A guy who works at my kids' school made the Bills' practice squad once and I still congratulated him on the accomplishment. It's no small feat.
  5. Idk, but I feel like this happens a lot. Suspension while investigation and other stuff happens, then fired.
  6. I've done this for big games. Couldn't stay seated at all. I started that way for the Titans until somewhere in the 2nd quarter.
  7. Yeah. In my book, wearing jerseys period is kind of weird, unless you're a kid.
  8. I had this issue a bunch last year when the app was available on the PS4. No issues this year accessing it on the phone/tablet and connecting it to the TV (although that is an annoyance in itself; first world problems.)
  9. I'm sure the Bills analytics team was already on top of this
  10. This is exactly the way Pats fans acted last year, but at least they waited until AFTER the first win.
  11. Elite athleticism and range, plus the awareness to stick with the man. Most LBs just don't have the tools to make that play. You'll see Darius Leonard get beat on that play.
  12. He already did Tostitos.... the acting was pretty bad in that one too.... He should really just stick to football.
  13. Josh: "Are you like me and need to get rid of a weak attempt at a beard? Does your facial hair grow in like a 13 year old's? Then buy Gillette razors. The best a man child can get."
  14. In terms of value, it's OBJ all the way. That's the Beane move. Trading up for a guy like McCaffrey would be great in the draft... The Bills are so deep, maybe a luxury move like that happens. Probably not, but you never know.
  15. Pretty sure it's gonna be ETFE plastic (same stuff they used for the roofs in LA, Minnesota, Vegas...) so plenty of sun when the sun is out.
  16. It's BS. It's been considered one of the best fields to play on until Andy Reid complained last week.
  17. Two reports now of Jeffrey Simmons spitting on OLs during the game.
  18. No, you're right. I just mean Khalil Shakir was never going to come in and be the man, even though he looked great in preseason. It takes time to ramp up. His ascension, like Gabe's, should ve very gradual, if it happens. I wouldn't be surprised to see Shakir get more consistent playing time after mid-season.
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