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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. The Giffords shooting is what I immediately thought of
  2. You don't have to go that far back to find Democrats who've been shot....
  3. This is who I was picturing when I heard from witnesses that it sounded like a small caliber. He shot multiple rounds quickly and was obviously inaccurate. These aspects of the shooting made it sound like a young, inexperienced person was behind it.
  4. People like things black and white because it makes it easier for simple minds to understand. But thinking someone is a terrible person, bad for democracy, etc etc so on/so forth is much different than wanting that person killed.
  5. Ramaswamy should've been the candidate. He's way better than Trump.
  6. You act like this is new. This is history repeating itself. Yes, this IS America.
  7. Idk, man. I've lived in two other countries and I can attest that there's no shortage of idiots around the world.
  8. Drink some room-temperature beer.
  9. I would argue that the character gave the character personality. John Wayne, while he played legendary roles and had the typical Hollywood leading man presence, was not a good actor.
  10. Bridges by a country mile. It would be weird. Like, you wouldn't look at a picture of your wife when she was a kid and think she's attractive, even though you now find her attractive as a woman.
  11. It's all the details you notice after multiple viewings and then you start reading all the different theories on the internet about the movie's metaphors and hidden meanings and you go down a rabbit hole where you discover a whole new world that exists within and around this film.... It's crazy, I tell ya!
  12. Let's be fair, we're not the only country
  13. Only knew her from the Shining. Pretty iconic role in that one.
  14. Holidays must be a blast.
  15. Luck is simply being prepared for the opportunity. 9-7 was the ceiling for that 2017 team and they got themselves there despite the lack of talent and lack of points. That's all coaching. Just like the 6-0 run to take the division last year was all coaching. There's zero doubt that McDermott knows how to get to the playoffs. It's the championship run that he hasn't figured out.
  16. I don't agree because it's still catchable. Maybe it just shouldn't be a penalty if the DB is stride for stride and the WR stops suddenly and they collide, maybe it should just be incidental contact.
  17. Yep. Because that's when Punching Bag enters the chat.
  18. Meh. Doesn't seem to correlate with success at all. Other great teams are low on that chart. Maybe it says more about our receivers or our QB's play style. Idk.
  19. This is totally where this thread needs to go.
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